Imagine that it’s a decade ago. In early 2001, the Verizon Kyocera 6035 powered by the Palm OS was released to the public — the first smartphone ever to have limited web surfing capability. But that vaunted capacity quickly turned out to be…a bit less than what Verizon and Palm had hoped it would be. The Kyocera couldn’t handle pictures, it couldn’t see much of a webpage at a time, and it basically kind of sucked.
But, it’s what we had, and major companies wasted absolutely no time developing a new programming language and several protocols to deal with mobile website design. The theory was simple: KISS. Very basic websites with text, links, and little else, designed to let the mobile surfer do what they needed to without wasting a single byte of data transfer.
Since then, however, we’ve taken massive strides down the path of mobile web browsing. Today, we have 5G networks springing up across the country, mobile devices that don’t have download limits, and offer download speeds to rival most home computers’ internet connections. Furthermore, the graphical abilities of smartphones have exploded as well, with even low-end models able to download and play games hot xxx pics nipples braless pokies that make the GameBoy Advance and the PSP1 jealous.
So what purpose does mobile website design have in a world of wireless gizmos that aren’t limited to the features that mobile website design supports? Why bother creating an entirely new site that will need it’s own support and even it’s own organic SEO if you expect it to get any traffic? The answer, quite simply, is that smartphone penetration is at less than 10%.
What that means is that, of the 300 million people in America, less than 30 million have smartphones. That means that leaving mobile website design this early in the game is basically telling those other 290 million people that you don’t need their money. That’s not the kind of message you want to be saying.
Even today, I meet people who can’t even be bothered to get one of those cheap one-purpose or even pay-per-minute cellphones. These are people who will probably one day give in and purchase a webphone, but they’re not going to shell out for a smartphone in their lifetimes. Don’t give up mobile website design just yet, or you’ll be leaving all of their money on the table.
114 thoughts on “Is Mobile Website Design A Thing Of The Past?”
I’ve been learning CSS/HTML for the past 3 months or so and fairly confident and capable of writing clean code. I can slowly work my way around basic level PHP/JS but my main question is
What are the best languages to learn in 2012?
I want to be competitive in web based startups, working on small scale “coffee shop” projects
Should I specialize? Should I try to be as fluent as possible in as many languages as possible?
What languages should I focus on now and later on for the long term. I havent explored it, but I don’t think I would enjoy mobile development as much as web.
For right now I think I should focus on html, css, php, js and some database driven language
what do you think?
i find Vincent Flanders mean, illiterate and peevish. When i read his articles i get an impression that he is pissed off 24/7, and that he is going to explode because of anger. His critisism is just vulgar, with all the profanity he uses.
He critisizes flash in the websites a lot, i don’t think he is right, because 98% users do have flash player, so they are able to view the flash inserts. His own header is pixelated and looks really bad. I would be ashamed to put such in my website.
He says that google is the queen but, for a long time already Yahoo is a lot more popular than Google.
He is bad taste and a bunch of prejudices.
After doing a search on my ipad,I received a virus warning from apple security. It showed that I had 54 viruses…bunch of trojans…so when I followed the instruction to remove it, SAFARI window popped up and said it couldn’t download the software..when I tried to cancel everything, the same thing happened. SO, I ended up just closing that window. Now, everything looks fine but could something be”hiding” and I don’t know what to look for?? Thank you for any help! Also, know that I am NOT that computer savy — please use simple terms : )
Hello a friend and I have been making website for a little while now and where thinking of taking it further as in not just friends and family.
This question comes in to fold, one about hosting and reseller accounts and the other on design it
now the idea is do make websites for people, in the past we have just had the person that that we are making the site for pay for there hosting them self and then getting the login details from them so we can do our stuff.
If we wanted to do this more professional how would we go about that 1st payment side of things, Would we use a resellers account or some thing else. I was on chat with a web host and they mentoined some thing about eNom and that we would need that to be able to register domain names our self.
does any one have more or an idea on what that is. and can any one explain in full what a reseller is and what the difference in the eNom sellers and reseller are
any advice on how to start and best practice would be a big help. thanks
If any one would like to contact me to advice and discuss more please do so
in short we want to design website for people, but would ideally like to be able to register there domains our self. have an easy way of getting payment.
letter the owner have there own cpanel if wanted.
so if you buy a reseller account and let say some one comes to me and want us to set up there site how does it work?
lets say they want are we able to set that up with the reseller account or do they need to have bought that them self.
as im thinking if we bought that for them then it would not be coming through our service.
or can you just by a domain name with out getting the hosting at the same time.
so they buy then but the hosting from us and we do it like that….
What I mean is…
I learned a little about html, css, php, photoshop, notepad++, visual basics, dreamweaver, and GIMP like 5 years ago, but I am aware things change.
1) What are the latest versions of all the stuff that you are using? (ie; html, photoshop, etc)
2) Are there some new tools that are used now that I haven’t listed?
3) Please show an example of what you consider to be the latest in what a website should look like.
4) What are most of your clients wanting from you nowadays?
5) Are you expected to include the internet marketing for their website too, like in a package deal?
it’ll make it more movie like and the white backround in a relativly dark room is kinda making it seems SUPER bright also it saves energy
Heres the google 1
I’m still waiting on my package from UPS. I just want to know if there is really full webrowsing on the Behold. Can you go on pages like =P even though it gets boring >=/ Can you actually see somebodys profile on myspace?
I have a iphone 2G that I just unlocked ,but I don,t know if I did it right it has this thing that says “no service” When I put my att card! Or it just migh be because I ‘m using att. but if is locked it should work with any network or just doesn’t work with at&t.
I found information on how to fix a 3g and its normal ,but there is nothing for 2g do you think once I put a T Mobil or one of those prepaid card it will work.
Please help me out with this!!!!
Recently I’ve been getting a display driver error which causes my screen to go black for a few seconds. When it comes back, I see this error message:
I tried a variety of possible solutions that could be found online, but none of them helped. Occasionally, the some parts of the screen wouldn’t display properly (such as my browser flashing or the icons on my desktop not showing properly), and sometimes random squares appear across my whole screen like so:
At this point I’m pretty sure it’s a problem with my graphics card, but I kept getting the error message that something is wrong with my graphics driver, so I’m not quite sure if it’s two separate issues showing at once, a graphics card hardware problem that causes the driver to fail, or if it actually is completely a software issue. I would appreciate any advice or insight into the problem.
I’ve also tried using many different driver versions but it still doesn’t solve the issue.
And yes I’ve tried the newest drivers.
1. Is this a laptop or a desktop?: Desktop
2. What graphics card/adapter do you have?: GTX 460
3. Did this problem only surface after (not necessarily immediately after, but some time after) updating your drivers for this device?: It just started happening one day, and I didn’t upgrade any drivers at the time I don’t think. I started updating the drivers after I encountered the problem.
Let me start out by saying “I’m not a TV watcher, per say”.
I don’t even have cable.
Yet, despite these facts, I have, over the past few months, become a hopeless LOST addict. I watched it on Hulu until I became hooked, and then rented the subsequent seasons. I just finished the 5th season.
I was looking at Lostpedia, and youtube, and I’ve been finding tidbits of extra episodes and whatnot. But they seem so scattered.
Can someone neatly make a little list for me of everything there is for LOST, besides the 5 seasons? I don’t want to miss anything. I want to watch every little thing.
Thank you very much. 🙂
i have my exam in less than a week and i am stuggling sooooo much! its soo hard! please help me any advice would be much appriciated! thank you! here and the questions:
Q1) Show us what you know about the Popular Press
Examine two current newspapers from the Popular Press. What are the key features of their on-line and print based formats? Explain how each appeals to its target audience.
Your analysis needs to be based on two newspapers that are each targeted at a different readership.
Q2) As you know, newspaper circulation is in decline. Referring only to changes in the past ten years, explain how the popular press has tried to boost circulation.
How do you think the Popular Press will evolve in the future?
In you answer you need to respond to both parts of the question and include examples where appropriate.
Q3) The aim of the FYJ is to connect young people with the important social and political issues of the day.
Choose a current newspaper from the Popular Press and give us your ideas for its weekend youth section. We would like you to produce ideas for both print based and on-line format.
Tell us which newspaper you chose and explain how your ideas will appeal to a 15-24 year old market. Show how your print and on-line versions might link with each other.
Remember your proposals need to be appropriate to the newspaper for which you are writing, and your ideas need to appeal to both genders, with a focus on real news. You may wish to include sketches.
Q4) Now it is your opportunity to use your knowledge and understanding of the newspaper websites and to show us what your ideas look like.
Produce a design for the on-line youth news page.
Use the A3 design sheet provided. For headlines and images, you may wish to use real news stories; however, do not produce whole articles. You may wish to provide annotation to explain the function of certain features of your on-line news page
thank you for reading 🙂
for question 3:
The Federation of Young Journalists
26 April 2010
Dear Student,
As you may know, the FYJ is an organisation set up to connect young people to the important social and political issues of the day.
The newspaper industry faces some serious problems:
– Newspaper circulation is declining
– The average age of a newspaper reader is over 55
– Newspapers have failed to engage with the 15 – 24 year old demographic.
We believe that newspapers have lost touch with young people. The needs of the youth audience are largely ignored by the Popular Press, and when young people are featured, they are often represented in a negative way.
The FYJ wants to recruit a dynamic media team to connect young people to the news. We are looking for enthusiastic young journalists with exciting ideas, who understand the needs of a youth audience, and can see how the Popular Press can use digital technology.
Your proposals need to include ideas that appeal to both ge
To start off I am 20 years old. As soon as i graduated high school not even a year ago (I started school a bit late), I started a business. I got a business license, advertised, and began receiving a few clients. For the past few months the few clients and few hundred dollars were plenty enough to take a girl out to dinner, fill up my gas tank, and just enjoy myself a little bit. Recently I began thinking and coming to a conclusion that what I’m doing now is solely for gas money and lunch. I want more and craigslist is not the way. Yes, I sound a tad greedy but believe me that its all for a good cause. I did not come here to justify my ego so I will just get to the point. I need to earn more and i need to go bigger. I know a few people my age who are very talented in the developing area, seo, design, etc. Although they are talented, all they do is play grab ass with each other and are doing absolutely nothing on their own. I also have connections with a great area to rent out which would be perfect. The thing is, I know the dollar is shit and it will become even bigger shit as time goes by so I’ve come to the realization that a long term loan would be perfect for me. Also, I’m 20 and I have room for error and failure. That does not mean that i will not give it my 150% to get the business profitable. I would invest the loan money on equipment and having leftover money to keep the business running until it will finally become sustainable on its own. Notice as I’m not even talking profit. My goal would be to invest and sustain the business as it grows. The profit will come and until then ill sell my mothers porcelain collection to keep my gas tank filled up. I guess what I’m asking for is some tips and estimates on loans. Where could I get loans and so on. Also, A few success stories would help me sleep at night. Any tips and tricks in general. I know this is a very vague description of my situation but I have class in about 15 minutes so I’m wrapping up. Any tips and tricks, ideas, ANYTHING would be very helpful. I can’t sleep. HELP.
Alright so I’m the kind of person who just enjoys learning for the sake of learning. When I was 15 I got my GED just so I could learn the kind of things I wanted to learn rather than the “Useless stuff they were teaching us in school.”
Now I have a tons of valuable skills to a business but no idea what kind of job I’d be proficient in or what someone would be interested in hiring me for?
My skillset includes:
Video Editing, Web Design, Flash Animation/Game Development, Marketing Products/Business, Art/Illustrator skills in 3 different styles, Singing/Commentary, Music Composition, Low level programming, 3D Animation/Modeling, Texture/Model Design, Editing/Writing Skills, Image Editing/Design… The list goes on and on in these categories and those relating.
I am highly skilled in several corporate level programs including:
Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premier Pro, Finalcut Pro, Sony Vegas, Gimp, Adobe Dreamweaver, Blender, QAvimator, Microsoft Office Suite, Fruity Loops, Garage Band, Model Viewer, Adobe Flash… And to many more that I can’t think of at the moment.
Yet I lack a degree in any field. I have an Associates Certification in Web Design and a GED. Up until now my work history has included small office jobs and cashiering at stores like Sam’s Club… but I’m tired of these jobs as my interest lies in the above. I have done plenty of small jobs to fill ten portfolios of the work I’ve done for friends and family.
So what can I do? What do I qualify for? Most corporations require a college education, but I’ve already advanced past a college level without credit for it. My Marketing skills have sold thousands of products on little more than $10, My video editing skills have gained hundred of thousands of views on Youtube (Making money off Adsense) … I have a lot in my background to offer a business yet I feel like I’m wasting my talents working at mom-and-pop joints earning $9 an hour.
I guess that’s the story of everyones life atm. 😛
Is there a suck thing as a black youtube like there is for google?
it’ll make it more movie like and the white backround in a relativly dark room is kinda making it seems SUPER bright also it saves energy
Heres the google 1
I don’t know much about laptop graphics cards, I was searching on the Future Shop website and found two major brands, one is ATI Radeon HD, the other is Intel Integrated/Intel HD. I’ll need to use the laptop for design and illustrations (Photoshop and others) and lots of composing (so probably needs good sound card or something), as well as run newer games (stuff that came out in the past few years, like Resident Evil 5, Assassin’s Creed, etc) at low-med settings at good frame rates.
I don’t plan on getting something entirely dedicated to gaming (since I don’t play that much games) like Alienware or the top-end i7 laptops, or MacBooks. Under $1000 would be nice.
Please give suggestions, thanks!
ok, I going to buy a laptop soon, and I don’t know anything about laptops and which is the best, but I want a laptop that I works just like my home computer does and do all the things I do with my pc(everything), like download programs, store photos, music etc, I have a DS and I love hacking it and I wanna make sure that the laptop can download and use the same stuff as with my pc.
I wanna put in the laptop all that my home computer can, like home brews, emulators, video and music players(absolutely everything that a home pc does) I DO NOT want a BIG, UGLY or a very small laptop. also I wanted it to have a long battery life and an ATTRACTIVE DESIGN.
I just wanna have a laptop that does ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that my home computer does and I want it to have a lot of memory too, it doesn’t matter if it has Windows XP or VISTA or Windows 7 or whatever that is, but you can tell me which is the best one, vista or XP. =3
Thanks every one for your answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and if is available in lime green or fire red will be perfet 😛
thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it will help if you tell me in which store can i find it
and yes, I do a lot of gaming too!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone, first of all I know I have asked this before, but I am now posting it in this section as I other people’s opinions and thoughts. I am 19 years old soon to be 20, I live in Cambridgeshire which is in England. I have got a mild learning disability, and I went to a special needs school. My older and younger brother called me horrid names such as retar., spast.c, they call me things like physco and useless, and I have never had paid employment but I have got 18 months of work experience (Voluntary) I have worked at the Co-Op and at Tesco’s.
My brothers say I have been to so many job interviews and I will never get a job because they say I’m a spast.c and a retar. they say I wasted my time at collge and I haven’t got good enough qualifications to get a job, here is the full list of all of my qualifications
The qualifications I gained at school:
* The FA Football Development Programme, Junior Football Organisers Course
* Edexcel, Entry Level Certificate subjects, English Entry Level 3, RE Entry Level 2
* AOA, Entry Level 3 in Science
* OCR, Entry Level 3’s in, Information And Communication Technology, and Physical Education
* Edexcel, GCSE Certificate grade E in Art And Design
* OCR, GCSE Certificate in Mathematics grade G
* Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award
* Trinity College London Bronze Level 1 Award in the Arts
Qualifications gained at college
* FE Level Up Award Bronze
* OCR, National Skills Profile, Retail
* Young Lives, Certificate of Achievment, as a Vinvolved volunteer with the Prince’s Trust Team
* OCR, Level 1 Certificate in Adult Numeracy
* City & Guilds, Certificate of unit credit towards Personal Development and contributing to the community, Entry 3 planning for prpgression, Entry 3 Community project, Level 1 Career planning and making applications, Level 1 Supporting others, Level 1 Work- based experience
* College course learner of the month award
* City & Guilds Level 1 Certificate in Adult Literacy
* City & Guilds Level 2 Certificate in Adult Literacy
* Edexcel, Certificate of unit achievment, Level 1’s in Applying for a job, Preparing for an interview and Interview skills
* Nocn, Credit/s Awarded, Entry Level 3’s in, Developing skills for use and maintaining garden tools, Introduction to propagation of plants, Induction to College, Developing an awareness of soil types, Introduction to garden horticulture, Developing skills for sowing and growing plants.
* City & Guilds, Level 1 iTQ Certificate for IT users
* City & Guilds Certificate of Unit Credit Towards, ITQ for IT Users, Level 1’s in, improving productivity using IT, IT User Fundamentals, Using Email, Using mobile IT devices, and, Presentation software.
City & Guilds Functional skills qualification in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Entry Level 3
* City & Guilds Functional skills qualification in Mathematics at Entry Level 3
* Edexcel BTEC Entry Level 3 in Workskills
* Edexcel Notification of Performance, Entry Level 3’s in Managing Your Own Money, and, Planning An Enterprise Activity
Other certificates and qualifications:
Level 1 in football coaching,
FA Emergency First Aid
FA Safeguarding Children
My older brother is a personal trainer and my younger brother is doing a level 2 IT course at college. My dad knows the names that they call me as he has heard them and I have told him, but he never does anything about it, and he said the other week I’m a physco and I have got mentle problems. I have recently started as a volunteer at Oxfam, and I am hoping to volunteet at a youth club soon. I have also recently started studying for my maths level 2 qualification. I am also soon to start a CompTIA A+ 2009 course. I am also hoping to start a ECDL Level 2 soon, a level 2 NVQ in Customer Service, a English GCSE, a level 2 and level 3 NVQ’s in youth work. Website Design level 2 and 3. Text Processing level 2 and 3.
By the way I’m the only one in my family with any kind of disability, I have also told my mum about my brothers before but she don’t do anything either. My youth worker said she is very proud of me as I am such a hard working young person. But do people look at me and think to themselves “He has a disability”? And do people look down on me and respect me less because I have a disability? And also do they like and respect people more that don’t have any kind of disabilitys, and people who have got better qualifications?
I need help, I have thought about killing myself, I feel soo down, upset and confused. I have nearly killed myself so many times, I don’t know how much more I can take I am worthless and my life don’t mean anything. Can anyone give me any advice or help? What should I do? And please don’t say brothers are meant to call me these names as what they call me is just evil.
As far as I have been told I have just got a mild learning disability.
Thank you in advance
I have just been told that I have got a mild learning disability, that is all I have been told.
I was born and brought up in a City where I grew up in a middle class family. My age is 27 now.
I’m an Engineering Graduate in Medical electronics. I passed out in 2009.
I worked as a trainer for C, C++, HTML, MS office, CSS for 1 year. As a trainer, I have been an excellent teacher especially for ‘C’ language. But I had to quit as a trainer soon; because I never intended to become trainer. So i don’t like it.
Latter I was a freelance web designer/Developer for 6 months. I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Adobe Tools, and little bit of PHP for my designing and Development, During this period, I was able to design and code 2 good websites for 2 good companies all by myself. Although I love Web Designing/Development, I had to stop it as i was not getting steady income for sustaining my life. Moreover I used to get very big projects for which i was not ready. Therefore I felt my career is on the line and decided to find some other job to earn money. Hence i changed my career.
After quitting as a Web designer/Developer, I became Recruiter for a consultancy. I still work for the consultancy as a team leader from past 1.9 years. I am a very good recruiter and have performed exceptionally well so far in the company, but I don’t want to be a recruiter since i feel i’ts not the right job for a technical guy like me. Also, I feel this job is not suitable for my qualification. I love Coding, Writing, Designing, and Researching rather than just talking to people entire day.
Apart from work……
>I’m a passionate blogger. I blog about everything that interests me. I receive 100 visitors per day on an average. Some of my posts benefits others to learn and know things.
>I am an author for a public website; I write articles on technical and HR subjects.
>I’m a member of a HR group where I participate in quarterly meeting and share my thoughts with others.
>I love taking pictures and videos. Latter i edit them and post it on my blog, Facebook, or YouTube – You can say I’m a photo freak.
>I love gadgets, Mobile apps, English Music, Computer. I can talk about them forever and never get bored – You can see many apps occupying my Mobile phone’s memory.
>I love peace, so I don’t like arguing and fighting. I love being surrounded by people who spread smile and peace. I help others a lot without expecting anything in return. I feel threatened when i’m around bad people.
>I use every possible technology such as GPS, 3G, Video and Audio conference, Social networking sites, high end Mobile Phone to make my life simpler, faster, and easier. I can assemble my own PC by getting different computer parts from market.
>I love fantasy, Documentary, and Comedy movies.
>I’m very a hard worker. I stay awake for days to complete my tasks to provide quality results at the right time. I can be anything I want.
>I have a very beautiful girl friend who is true and committed to me.
So you see I have got what it takes to be. My real problem is about my career. I am not settled in my career. It worries me a lot and sometime driven me to suicide. I don’t know what career path to choose that will keep my career safe for long time.
Those who have read the above content, please take some time and suggest me to choose a right career path. and also please let me know steps to reach the goal.
Thank you
cuz i need 2 kno which one is going 2 better for my music health ( more likely to have the songs I want) or my computer health ( as in i dont want the one that will give me a virus)
Hi, I need some advice on my covering letter. I am sending my CV to media companys to let them know I would like to work for them. These companys have no vacanies at the moment but I am desperate for a job so Im trying it this way. Please can someone tell me what they think of my covering letter, is it good enough, is the spelling and grammar ok? Should I add some more info, if yes what? Thanks for all advice. This is the letter:
Dear ,
I am writing to you, as I am interested in perusing a job as media administrator. I believe that my education and experience are appropriate for this position. I am seeking an exciting, challenging position that offers both professional and personal growth to apply my skills and abilities.
Having graduated from the University of Bradford with BSc Creative Media & Technology and recently completed my NVQ 2 in business and administration I am confident I have the knowledge and skills necessary for this position.
For the past two years I have worked as an administrator for Bradford Council. As the council is facing cuts of several million pounds over the next two financial years my job is not save and I feel it is time to move on.
My present job involves various administration tasks, I interact with customers on a daily basis. I am also responsible for updating and maintaining my employers website and Facebook page. I create flyers, posters and leaflets on a weekly basis. Further more I am responsible for content on the Lifechannel.
Attached is a copy of my resume and references. If you require any further information please feel free to contact me on my mobile or via email. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely
What can I use it for Games? with very good graphics?
How about CAD or auto design?
Any other things I could use it for?
Suggestions for best brand, extras, and price?
Just wondering, thanks.
Winvin: What DO you use them for? That is part of my question!
i just got an ipod touch for christmas and i love it but i have afew questions.
1. how do u instead message on facebook? i can go on facebook but i cant figure out how to instead message on it
2. how do u turn it off? ive just been pressing the little black button on the top. but it seems like its running out of battery really fast.
3. is there anything you can use to charge it besides the chord that plugs into the computer? (ex. ihomes, things that plug into the wall, etc…)
I have been looking for a new laptop for a long time now and what I was looking for is a laptop which can play PC games in near-top graphics, is very fast and reliable, has a stylish design, has a lot of memory and is from a good company.
I was wondering if I should buy the Alienwear M11x gaming laptop. I built one at Dells website for a sampel. The one I built has a Intel® Core™ i7 640UM (4M Cache, 1.20 GHz) processor, Windows 7 home, 3072MB 800MHz Dual Channel DDR3 SD RAM [1×2048 + 1×1024] memory, 320GB (7,200rpm) Serial ATA Hard Drive, and some other features so in total it came to £910.
I am mainly satisfied so far by what I have seen, I love the keyboard, the design is great and so is itshandlingg of games. But what I want to know is if it is good at speed (loading time, logging on, ect), if it is good at internet browsing. I does it come with a dvd drive built in or will i have to get another attachment, is Alienwear a good company ( It is owned by Dell and I have used 2 of Dells machines in the past and they have not been very good)
My current laptop is a black Packard Bell ( I think it is a MH36-U300 model ) with Windows Vista basic, it has lasted my 3 years. It is not very good at playing Pc games, for example it can handel older games like Rome Total War in top graphics with no lag, but when it plays newer games like Empire Total War the graphics are horrible, there is a lot of lag and the soldier animations are messed up. After this I am hopeing the M11x will be miles better.
Another thing that put me off is the screen size. My current laptop is 15 inches but the new one is only 11, I am not on the move that much and I would like a larger screen. So would Alienwears other models like the M15x or the M17x be better suited to me, are they basically the same laptops but with bigger screens ?
Overall is this laptop worth the money and will it last me good for a long time, or are there better ones on the market
Your answer is much appreciated.
I want some websites which provides latest seo tips & updates to help to promote my websites in search engine ranking .
can someone recommend me an affordable seo company?
Where can i find Freelance Seo Philippines | Search Engine Marketer?
affordable seo in the philippines
Why SEO in the Philippines is Super Affordable but Guaranteed Results?
i am a fashion designer 4 billabong a just checking out some fashion design game websites or fashion designing websites i need suggestions
I have apprently really dark skin as i found out today.
I tried: L;oreal true match n8-capuccino-too orange
revlon colorstay-too orange plus too runny
rimmel 25 hour-too white-i bought this the other week so i gave it away
I have neutral undertones according to the l’oreal true match test
i wanted to try the revlon colorstay whipped but they did not have it at my boots or superdrug.
Please DO NOT suggest US brands as i live in the UK
Thank you
Also i am dark skinned as you can tell
I have acne prone skin, dry
Thank you in advance
Oh forgot to mention i want something long lasting
DOES NOT rub on clothes
ALSO if you can help me with this POWDER problem too
I am also looking for a pressed powder to set the foundation.
If you have a PDF, that would be great. Not needed, but would be great.
I am starting my own business and I need a website to market products & services to clients.
I was wondering if anyone developed and designed their own website?
— Which are the reliable softwares to use?
–which are the reliable web hosting companies?
–how do I make sure the name of my business pops in the search engines in the first page?
Thanks in Advance
I have some sites that need SEO and I don’t want to pay a lot.
I need tools that will track my progress on Google Plus local or Google Places? Please list the sites and their tools. Thanks so much!!
I have two small niche websites that I really want to raise their search engine ranking. My budget is pretty low, but I don’t want to get negative results with some blackhat garbage.
Can anybody recommend someone to me?
Here’s the term I want to rank for.
Can you give me a quote for that?
I am still searching for Affordable Web Designer and SEO in the Philippines.
Thanks for posting.
Hi, I’m planning to sell some stuffs online & for that I need a development company who can develop my website and make some market online. My budget is below 7K, please suggest me some good companies?
I have my own website about selling coffee, and I need help promoting my website. What good SEO company can help me?
I need expert website design help for I was on here before asking a similar question and had a guy name Todd from Valley Design ( contact me, he’s a great guy and a lot of help but he left much unfinished business. I created our initial website using Frontpage (not a great program) and fixed it up to web standards using Kompozer though he used WordPress to re-create the site. Now it seems I can’t publish anything using Frontpage and well he happened to haven’t left any instructions on how to update the new site. I’d prefer just to go back to the previous web design I had but don’t know how too. The only thing I ever really wanted was much needed help creating a new drum show page for our upcoming drum show (but I didn’t know how to go about doing all that I wanted to do) and a few minor things. If anyone out there would be so kind as to help me that would be greatly appreciated…
If you’d like to contact me feel free to email me or im me on Yahoo Messenger at actionjcl
I want my site to be advertised in online classifieds. Some SEO companies say they will put me in at least 50,000 places. Is this for real? How can I check to see if they did this?
where can i find affordable seo specialist philippines, web marketing specialist?
What is a good website design program or download site for a semi-computer literate person?
Cheapest Website Design and Marketing,/SEO in Manila Philippines?
Any recommendation? affordable and quality seo company. thanks
We are a London based Company specialising in Office Cleaning, Facilities Management, Security Services, Training, Consultancy and Career Advice. Do you know of anyone who might be able to help with SEO at affordable price?
Citywide Ventures Ltd
I am interested in mobile marketing subject and want to do my dissertation (thesis) on it. However I cannot decide on a possible research question to address in my research. Any suggestions are appreciated!!!
this may very well be a stoopid question. Sorry everyone. I want a website designed however I need it to be able to carry out unique functions eg I want to be able to hold video chats on it and have monitoring software. So where do i start? who do I go to? Is it simply a website designer or do i go to a software developer or do i just forget about it all cuz i havent a clue in the first place. Thanks everyone. Ye are all so sound
Ireland ireland republic of Ireland
Well I’m early Teen, I would like to start my own Business in website design, But I’m not sure where to get started, nor what skills I’ll need. When I was young, I messed around using and others like that. So I have abit prior knowledge to Designs, I also don’t know where I’ll host the website. I need to know what age I’ll have to be, What skills I’ll need, Costs, How much I could charge, what website to make the websites on. Thanks 🙂 10 points for best answer. No answers like ‘Your to young’
I’m looking for SEO company that can help me in increasing my traffic..
plz provide cheapest services providers for seo.if your cost is high plz dnt anwer thanks
Im looking for Affordable Search Engine Optimization SEO Philippines?
Cheapest Web Marketing, Promotion, SEO, Internet Marketer?