When you start talking to experts in organic SEO, one of the first things they tell you is that if you quit the SEO game before you attain first page placement for at least a few of your choicest keywords, you probably shouldn’t bother doing SEO in the first place.
The reason why they would say that is pretty well established: less than 2% of all searchers get to Page 2, so if you’re on that first page, you’re basically getting nothing compared to what you could get if you were in the first few spots. Does that really mean that SEO is a complete waste if you don’t hit Page One, though?
To get into the nitty-gritty and answer that question correctly, we have to look at what SEO does for a website.
- Builds ranking — obviously, the primary function of SEO is to shoot your website up in the rankings for your targeted keywords. If you don’t get a high enough rank to see meaningful search traffic, you’ve failed this part of the equation.
- Widens your sales funnel — every page that links to your website becomes part of your sales funnel; the complete set of link-chains that will eventually take someone to your site. Even if you don’t get a first page placement, building backlinks will widen your sales funnel.
- Builds authority — authority is a tricky notion, because it comes from so many sources. Your page becomes more authoritative based on how much relevant content it has and how old it is; your site becomes more authoritative based on how many backlinks from unique root domains point at it and how many relevant pages it contains. Even if you don’t get first page placement, organic SEO will still help build authority — which is important because if you come back in the future to ‘finish the job’, you’ll already be partway there.
So, is first page placement the ONLY reason you would ever purchase SEO? No. SEO helps your website in other ways as well. But generally, SEO is priced on the assumption that you’ll shoot for first page placement, so it might not be a very good buy if you’re not going to go for the gold…and really, why wouldn’t you?
39 thoughts on “Is First Page Placement Really The Be-All and End-All Of SEO?”
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I just got a MacBook Pro, but I don’t have a work processor installed on it yet.
Should I get Microsoft Word, or buy Pages off the app store?
Explanation of answer too please.
I think that it would be more convenient to have the Mail block of information in the middle of the page and the Featured block to the right of the page. I want to switch these two.
i took my placement test last week.
i got a 72 reading
87 writing and
66 math
College Placement Score Guide:
Writing Skills
0-23 level 1 elementary
24-77 level 2 college
78-100 level 3advance
Reading Skills
0-67 basic reading
68-100 college reading
Mathematics (pre- algebra)
0-26 math fundementals
27-100 intro to pre algebra
i was told that if i wanted to enroll in a selective program- i needed to have my reading and writing as close to 100 as possible.
for the program i want, Vet Tech- my advisor said there are only 60 seats and they get around 300 applicants.
Is there any material i can get to boast my score in reading and writing, math does not apply for selecting?
can any body explain me the page rank and how its effect a website ranking
not in the album, but on the page =]
Give a broad idea about SEO. What is the activities of SEO. How can I understand about SEO.
I am in the middle of a homework assignment and i have been thrown off by a secondary page. What is that? I am def lost now. Here is the whole assignment so you can get a better idea by what I mean. My instructor is not online and this is due tonight. I dont want you to do my homework I am just asking someone to expalin this to me.
•Resource: Project Proposal
•Build from your Week Two Project Proposal.
•Visualize the page design for your site by creating two different page layouts for the home page and a secondary page.
•Identify the placement of headings, navigation, text areas, images, etc.
•Submit both layouts. This may be accomplished using Microsoft® Word program, PowerPoint® program, Visio® software, or Adobe® Photoshop® software under Assignments link
I already have my website thing ready to go just need to know what the secondary page is.
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I’m looking for a sites that can teach for SEO techniques
I’ve been trying to figure out how some of the more appealing Websites pull off their look. It appears that it’s well placed gifs (with text/links within the gifs). I’ve been trying to create an appealing site with just html and jpgs, with little results.
Am I on the right track with this?
Anyone can suggest me for cheap seo?
iam studying in jeppiar college,aeronautical engineering b.e,could you please tell me that where will be its placement..?pls guys help me soon as iam much confused about it..
I am trying to get my web site noticed, I have cutting horses, stud service,boarding and training available. I am new to the online business world and would appreciate some sound advise! Thanks
I want to take IT branch there!! 🙁
or it must me at the first pages?
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I am doing a business plan for a school project, and I need to know how much I am going to spend for advertisement.
Thank you.
I can only get one
What are the benefits of learning SEO?
I was learning about seo techniques from a professional seo trainer!
The first he started to teach me about seo is marketing techniques like posting ads!
When my friend heard about this…..he said dude..he is teaching you wrong! the first thing you have to learn about seo is
Introduction about search engines & directories and their differentiation, search terms (keywords) and ranking of website in search engine.
and he said, at last i should learn marketing techniques!
What do i do now? is my friend right about this?
is my learning is not sequential?
please help me about learning it sequential
hi friend
I am a web Designer currently i am studing about Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) so what type of software i have to use for making traffic and others
Im looking for Affordable Search Engine Optimization SEO Philippines?
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So yeah I’ve heard about blackhat and whitehat SEO methods, and have a general idea of what they are, but can someone tell me exactly what those methods are?
I am a Sea Shepher Cove Gaurdian in Taiji Japan for 1 month and a half soon. My facebook is more like a blog, how do I make it so people just have to click “like” instead of making a friend request? Thank you!!! I could not find the answer elseware….
Ok I made a community page…now does anyone have an idea how I can make it my “default” so when I click “profile” it takes me to that page rather than my personal?
I am learning how to do SEO myself for my new website, and I am having trouble understanding something- Being that each product page on your website will have different keywords based on the individual products, how does your website get known for a specific keyword if every page has a different one(s)? Also- I notice that most websites about SEO talk about how it theoretically works, but not much actual application of methods or some step-by-step help. Are there any out there?
Actually I want to know about SEO, What is it?
How it’s work? or why we need to do or learn SEO?
after learn the SEO or know the SEO, how can I benifited?
i’m interested in taking the advanced placement program, but my school does not offer it so i have decided to study it myself!!! can i do that??? and if so how? do i need a tutor???
thank you
any body define me about SEO/SMO
and is it possible to put a background for your yahoo 360 page?
I am trying to place an adsense ad on an html page. I want it to be at the top left, but when I place the adsense code, all other elements get pushed down below the ad. Help?
please tell me the highest paying seo job positions in ascending order.
SEO Account Manager
SEO Analyst
SEO Consultant
SEO Director
SEO Engineer
SEO Manager
SEO Specialist
SEO Strategist
SEO Technician
What are some basic things I should be thinking about doing for basic SEO for my website?
I need SEO Resource.
Like Comment posting URL, forum Link.
Thank you.
i.e. I don’t what for what I am doing on page one to affect the placement of the content of page two.
I am trying to get my website on Yahoo and Google, anyone know any good SEO products?
Has anyone used http://www.10SEO.com for SEO?
This link make me confuse. http://martingwebdesign.com/services/seo/
I’m a little confused about pen names. I assume you use your real name when giving contact details and your pen name when saying who the novel has been written by, but which do you put in the heading that appears at the top of each page?
Also, does it matter if the page number is at the top of the page or should it be at the bottom?