Google Adwords is a massive minefield of things that you can do wrong and, because of those mistakes, easily waste a ton of cash. PPC management services developed specifically to fight this waste, and they work well — not so much the go-it-solo types who decide they don’t need PPC managers.
Here’s a short look at SOME of the pitfalls that they can stumble unwittingly into:
Content Targeting vs. Not
By default, Adwords leaves the Content Network on. This sounds like a good thing to most people, because it means their ads get more exposure. What they don’t realize is that AdSense (the ‘content network’ that their ads are getting displayed on) isn’t really all that great at targeting. And for every time your ad about water purifiers gets put up on a page about water parks, you run a risk of someone clicking on it even if they have zero interest in water purifiers. You just paid for a click you have no chance of converting, and that’s a waste of cash.
Geo-targeting vs. Not
If you have a business building swimming pools in Malabar, Florida, and you don’t turn Geo-Targeting on, you waste money every time someone from Vancouver, Washington clicks on your ads. Similarly, if you have a website that sells information and you DO turn Geo-Targeting on, you’d better be selling information about just that one town, or you’re missing out on 99.999% of your potential clients.
Choosing The Right Matching
You can choose broad matching (match any phrases that contain these words in any order), phrase matching (match any phrases that contain ONLY these words in any order), or exact matching (match only this precise phrase in this order.) Many people choose broad, figuring again that more exposure is better — but AdWords is about targeting, not about exposure. Oftentimes someone searching for “swimming pool repair” is looking to hire a crew, but someone searching for “how to repair a swimming pool” will rifle your site for information (costing you whatever you paid for his click) and then vanish without ever even potentially becoming a customer.
There are a ton of other ways to lose out with Adwords — we haven’t even gotten into the areas of keyword research, setting variables at the ad vs. groups vs. campaigns level, or how to track results so that you know what’s working and what’s not. In short, there’s only one consistent, correct way to do AdWords, and that’s to get your website’s SEO company to do it for you.
88 thoughts on “Why You Should Never Tackle Adwords Without PPC Management”
specifically, if I have hundreds of keywords I’m buying with variations on creative and PPC, using Yahoo’s or Google’s interface is extremely cumbersome. Is there an “off-the-shelf” database management product that links into Yahoo and/or Google?
I am looking for an easy to use and set up, full functioned, Affiliate Management Software program. Please only recommend if you have personal experience and positive results.
Can you really make money off of google adwords or a different type of ad promotion? I wouldn’t quit my day job to do this, but extra cash wouldn’t hurt, so there is a lot of buzz about making money off of adword and other ad promotions, I’m wondering if it really worth the time spent.
hi, guys can u pls tell me how to learn google adwords …………. pls help as soon as posible
Does anyone sale other peoples web site ads on Google Adword? Is it working for you? Are you making a profit. Thanks!
We are getting too busy and need someone take care of PPC campaign management. Can you please post your proposal here and specify what exactly you do to excel in it. Point by point.
We can consider any other advertising models.
I’m having problems using pay per click (PPC), mainly Google Adwords, since it is now just sooo expensive that it makes it not worthwhile to even be in business.
Does anyone know any way that I can either cut my PPC costs, or increase the number of people who buy – I guess mainly I want to make some profit again, so I guess the main thing is cutting the costs, although more turnover for the same spend would I guess be the same thing.
Are there any good websites, tips, courses, books, etc that can help – or can any of you help please? I’m up against it and desperately need help.
what is the importance of ROI in seo, How importance is that to seo.
Hello, I have this pet forum I’ve just started and I wondered if an under 18 could use Google Adwords. Also I wanted to know, is there any special code you need to add to the code of the website/forum?
Thanks in advance your answers plus would like to thank others that have helped me in my other questions. I’m really grateful. 🙂
I have a Visa Electron card.
I am trying to market my site, I would like to know what sort of keywords I should use, It is a site which reviews diet programs. i just don’t really understand how adwords works either and what is the best way to get good results is!
I personally think payment based on sale amount is more scientific. Any idea?
Launching a new company and would like my site to hit in the top 10 at least in Google. Trying to get some info and see if there’s a key term.
Does anyone know a website where i could create a free website with my own web address name like ( Not becuse they do not let you personalize your web address for free!
I’m a travel agent. How can I use Google AdWords to my advantage?
I would like to set up my own portal to view performance data of my clients adwords campaign from a single platform. I’m not too familiar with Google API’s so nothing to technical and the more detail the better.
Thanks in advance for the help guys.
my website is listed in google 2 days before, then i submit my web site to some directries, but today my website is not listed in google. I dont know what to do and how get back my website again.
I need a PPC team that can help earn more revenue. I’m on a tight budget but need traffic and sales to pick up. Any suggestions?
I want to start a sampaign in Google Adwords.I never work on Adwords.I need to know how to get high CTR with low cost.
Sorry not sampaign.Campaign
Does anyone have direct experience of these?
Or can anyone provide some comparable experiences of these tools?
I’ve joined a company that is using a management company to manage their adword campaigns. We seem to be paying for clicks that are not leading to conversions and I’m trying to slim it down to the best ones for us to use. It would seem logical to me to look at the Analytics for the last x number of months, see what keywords have given the best conversions, keep them and dump the ones that have lead to clicks but no conversions – but maybe keep those that have lead to a long time on the site.
Is this a reasonable strategy or am I missing something here?
Thank you in advance for any help.
How do web hosting companies offer Google AdWords Credits? Do they affiliate with Google?
My company spends about $25K per month on advertising, mostly on Google, but wants to double that in the next 3-5 months. We’re also considering advertising on Yahoo! and Bing. Any products to recommend?
Can you fill me in on the best places to park my websites and make almost all the ppc monies? Thanks
(Pay Per Click)
I have just started my own at home online business and I am in desperate need of advertising myself – I’ve seen Adwords on Google but I am a bit scared to use it – I have a small budget to work with (Im a WAHM) and I wouldn’t know what ‘keywords’ to use – I’ve tried calling Google but its useless, no one has called me back. Does anyone use it or know how to use it? I’ve already advertised myself in the whitepages, yellowpages free adverts, Google Maps, mail drops, I have a facebook page but no one is buying – I need exposure!
I am a broker who runs a property management business.
How can I bring in more clients?
Have you ever used PPC search engine?
I have experience with Yahoo! Search Marketing, Google Adwords, MSN AdCenter and many 2nd Tier Engines. I’d like to start consulting but don’t know where to begin. What do I charge for my services?
Hi, I came up with an idea for great online service and I would like to attract clients to my website by using Google AdWords (it’s a two-word term). The service is going to be really unique (not many people know how to do it and I haven’t found a single website of that content) so I don’t need to worry about competition (for the time being). Is Google any good for it? I don’t want to spend too much money on advertising (15 clients a month would be enough for now) but I heard a lot about click fraud (esp related to google), does it apply to my situation? Is Yahoo better? I need help and advice from people who advertise their SERVICES the same way and have some experience in this area (pros and cons, mistakes, traps, frauds etc). Please do not post any ads for your paid help documents or www’s, I know most of them are great but I need advice, not a product or service… Thank you my friends!
Hello All,
I am Marry From Vancouver.I have small export – import business in Vancouver.Anyone suggest SEO company who sells my products online.
Thnaks in Advacne…..
I’ve read that most companies do their PPC/CPC management in-house and do not neccessarily out source it. This was in the SEMP report that stated 87% of companies below and above 500 employees will do their marketing in house.
My specific question is, the report does not state specific employees numbers and only states “below 500” for one metric. Are there companies out there that will want their bids managed that have about 50 employees? Ones that cannot afford their in-house experts?
Does anyone know a good Google Adwords management service for running my pay-per-click ad campaigns? I’m spending around $2,000 a month at the moment.
do you know whats the most reliable or helpful marketing management book thats available in the “national bookstore” in the Philippines?
<I need to have one as soon as possible…
I’m on
I want a program that I can see my banking and my credit cards and loans and monthly bills. I also want to be able to put in my goals and such. Thank you.
I am running a few online businesses. What I noticed that some players in the market fair out better then the others! They generate more leads to their site with thier Google Ads! Is anyone out there have any suggestions on HOW TO IMPROVE MY GOOGLE ADWORDS?
I’m living in the chicago area for now, but willing to relocate. If anyone knows about any jobs please let me know so the i can apply. Some area that really catches my attention are consulting and marketing. But willing to try anything as long as it’s dealing with e-businesscommerce
I am an Adwords advertiser and recently I have been comparing my page views (how many times a visitors sees a page) to the number of clicks Google has been charging me. On November 25th, my Web site had 308 page views, but Google charged me for 705 clicks.
In any other business, that would be called fraud. Part of me wonders if Google is doing this to other Adword advertisers and that is how they are “jacking up” their revenues, thus increasing their stock price that hasn’t been seen since the “” bubble burst in the late 1990’s.
My question is, has any one else experienced this problem and is there any legal action against Google I can take not only to help me but also other unsuspecting Adword advertisers maybe being taken advantage of without their knowledge?
Thank you Chris.
I did check with Yahoo! regarding the accuracy of their reporting software, and the tech support person said it is about 90% accurate still well below the extra clicks I was charged. We are located in Menlo Park right down the road from both Google and Yahoo so the time zone is not an issue.
My comment on revenues reported verses stock price of Google only makes me wonder how a “one trick pony” like Google can have such a high stock value when you compare in to other Internet properties like Yahoo! Google has no other revenue streams that revival “Adwords” and “Adsense” that syndicates Adwords.
Assume you have a new web sit regarding content on-line business things and you are a recruiting of e-commerce. how would you developing market?
I’ve opened an ecommerce store ( ) and I’m looking for an affordable PPC service that delivers real results and has a good conversion rate. If anyone has worked with before and can share some positive feedback or can recommend a better service please let me know. Thank you.
PPC = Pay Per Click campaign management in Google and Yahoo search engines.
SEO = Search Engine Optimization
What is the best Pay Per Click Management Tool.
( Hopefully Free )
I am trying to set a huge number of Highly Target Keywords
on Adwords, Ask & Yahoo
The ability to manage ads perhaps backing up uploading with excel would be ideal. Creating ads with the sysytem?
Am I just dreaming? I can upload a system to my website. Which I think would be ideal if it ran off of mysql or something.
Thanks in advance.
Please provide me details about the PPC Management Program you use. What the average conversion rate/campaign you generally enjoy?
I asked the same question a few days back, I regret to say, I didn’t got the accurate answer. Probably I failed to present my question.;_ylt=AuoNo0vdpCTd7zHI0rUgXlLsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080202075958AADQXxz
Shall you help me out?
Hi there,
Next year I want to start an only bussiness selling HD Stock footage. It would be priced at AU$150 a clip (about 10 seconds).
To some this may seem a lot, but if you look around, most clips are even more than that for less than 10 seconds.
So what do you think, how much can I expect to make?
Where should I advertise it, should I be paying for something such as adsense?
I’m looking into getting a pay per click management company to manage my Adwords account. My question is, what is the normal monthly management fee that I should expect to pay? I currently have 280 or so keywords spread across several campaigns.
From where can I get a google adwords promotional code. Does anyone have it?
How to add all the languages especially of India like, Hindi Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil in language targeting section of Google Adwords?
If I use high paying adsense keywords, I get high amounts per click but no traffic. If I use low paying adsense keywords, I get high traffic but not much in click amounts. What to do?
I will be using Adwords to promote our catering business. We don’t currently have a website, but will utilize the “business page” that Google Adwords supplies. Do you think this is sufficient if the copywriting is good to get customers to call our deli? Do you have any suggestions on what we can add to the business page? It looks so plain. Thank you for your help.
Okay so i just started a business with Prepaid Legal Services Inc. and i’m trying to find out ways to advertise online, like on google, yahoo and etc. but how can i do it? Is there a service from google were you pay them money and they bring you like 1000 people to check it out? any ideas out there on how to advertise and get people to check out the services from Prepaid Legal?
Heres my website.. check it out… thanks…
I have just register a domain at adsense under “Adsense for domains”
and create the following ad at adwords:
Online Jobs Part Time
Receive $250-$1000 daily. Do simple part time online jobs.
But I can’t see my ad, and at keywords there is “Ads rarely show due to low quality score ” when i click on keyword analysis there is the following.
Ad showing? No
You have reached and exceeded your budget.
For details on specific criteria for this test, click the following link.
Details and recommendations »
To match specific targeting conditions (like geographic region), use the
Ads Diagnostic Tool.
Quality Score: Poor (1/10)
Details and recommendations »
my maximum bid is $0.01 and daily budget is $10.00
But the main reason i find is
Quality Score: Poor (1/10) Loading…
What should I do?
Improve your landing page quality. The relevance of your keyword and ad text is high. However, your poor landing page quality is negatively impacting your overall Quality Score and ad performance.
Try one of the following:
Make your landing page useful, honest, and easy to navigate. Strive to create a happy and meaningful user experience. Learn more
Choose a more relevant landing page for your ad. Learn how
My conclusion that i can’t such domain at adwords.
Now sir please answers me the followings:
1) I can’t submit my domain into web directories, 95% require resiprocal link
2) I can’t make search engine optimization, Where i insert the meta keywords and meta description tags and where i insert the Google! Webmaster Tools’s code that provide me to verify before index.
3) Most of the forum block me due to the submission of invalid domain (Park domains are not allowed)
4) If can’t index my domain then what is PageRank and e.t.c.
The only way remain is to advertise my domain like CPC programs. (Like adwords).