One thing that many starting info-preneurs and other small businesses often incorrectly assume is that a new customer is a good customer, and once someone has bought from you, they’re probably not going to buy from you again. Not only is this indicative of a poorly-thought-out business model, but also of a fundamental misunderstanding of the way the human psyche works.
What does this have to do with SEO?
Nothing whatsoever — but it has to do with the flipside of organic SEO: conversions. SEO brings traffic, but if your site can’t convert, all of the traffic in the world is useless. Getting one conversion out of one visitor is great — really, getting five conversions out of a hundred customers is darn good — but imagine what you could do if you could get thirteen conversions out of a single customer?
That’s the power of repeat sales. To pull it off, you need to have a business model that is capable of meaningfully making thirteen transactions with the same customer. If you sell a single ebook about overcoming erectile dysfunction and that’s your only item, you can’t make repeat sales. But if you offer a bunch of different books — they don’t all even have to be yours if you’re willing to take an affiliate commission rather than making a “whole” sale — you can sell the same person your book and then a dozen other people’s books over the next several weeks or months.
The Tools of Repeat Conversion
The number one tool for repeat conversions is undoubtedly targeted email marketing. The basic premise here is that everyone who purchases from you has to give you their email address and permission for you to email them in order to receive digital delivery of your product. Since you have those two things, why not email them offers for other people’s products as well?
If you do it well — which means your product is high-quality and effective, and you don’t promote a bunch of crap products afterwards — you can rapidly build a sense of trust in your customers. Once they know that you won’t ask them to buy something that sucks, they’ll be much more inclined to keep buying whatever your next offer is (as long as it’s relevant to your area of expertise.)
Get those addresses, offer a quality product, and then offer other people’s quality products, and you’ll soon see the power of repeat sales and the strength of targeted email marketing.
92 thoughts on “Repeat Sales Are The Question; Targeted Email Marketing Is the Answer”
I have been self-employed for 2 years as a graphic designer in the SF Bay Area. I’ve been doing online classes to keep as current as possible, but still need web-design experience (which I will be taking next). No one seems to give me a chance to do their graphic design projects. I’ve done only a few jobs that have worked out. I’ve put out fliers, gone face to face with people. They start out saying maybe they’d like to use me, then when I start giving samples for the job, they say “maybe” and then say “not at the moment” or worse, never return my emails or calls. I’m very creative, and the clients say they like my work, just don’t ever want to use me in the end. Any advice before I give up and look for a job with a graphic design company? Thank you!
An extensive answer would be appreciated
Q 31:
What is “bounce rate” in terms of email marketing?
a.The percentage of emails sent to a list which are returned as undeliverable
b.The percentage of repeat clients
c.The percentage of people who receive an email and buy the product
d.The percentage of people who click the links in an email
Q 32:
Why have social networkings sites become a popular of internet marketing?
a.They are free and easy to use
b.They guarantee more traffic to your site
c.Ease of use, large number of users, easy to target specific demographic
d.They are a passing trend
Q 33:
What should a company do once it achieves its search engine ranking goals?
a.Stop promoting the site
b.Constantly monitor and improve their site in order to maintain their ranking
c.Revise the site once in awhile
d.Sell advertising on their site
Q 34:
How are keywords utilized by search engines?
a.The are all that the search engines uses to rank pages
b.The keywords are a brief description of what topic your site relates to
c.They help the search engine decide how good your sites content as
d.The keywords guarantee positioning
Q 35:
What is an auto-responder?
a.A person who replies to all email for the company
b.An automatic email message sent to someone who takes an action such as submitting a form on a company website
c.A method of direction communication with clients
d.A email relay system
Q 36:
What is a site index?
a.A page which has a linkable outline of all the pages on a website
b.A site with only 1 page
c.A special with special deals for purchasers
d.A special ranking with search engines
Q 37:
What is a secondary reason to actively maintain a company blog, besides giving potential customers something to read?
a.It keeps the marketing staff busy in down times
b.It impression clients
c.A well maintained blog will help increase pages rank with search engines
d.It makes the company seem larger than it is
Q 38:
What is the purpose of a traditional press release?
a.It acts as a direct marketing sales tools
b.It can be mailed out to potential clients
c.It announce company information to a widely dispersed group of people
d.It target markets to internet users
Q 39:
What is a “call to action”?
a.Hoping the customers buys your product
b.Recruiting new employees
c.Creating a new ad campaign
d.Using verbs to encourage people to take an action
Q 40:
Why is it important to fine tune the timing of the ad and keywords used?
a.It costs less in later hours
b.To be sure to spend more money on marketing
c.Required by law
d.To carefully target the customer base desired, not wasting impression and clicks
Once a marketer has a thorough understanding of customer needs and the marketing environment, s/he needs to develop a marketing strategy.
Explain how you would develop a marketing strategy for one of the products listed below.
Describe each of the target markets that you would seek to reach. Support your rationale with concepts presented in this week’s reading. Support your recommendation with what you have learned in the unit.
Develop a value proposition for your product through differentiation.
Explain how your product will be positioned in the market.
Please use the attached Template.
Lightweight snowblower or lawnmower
Organic milk or soy milk
Flat Panel Plasma TV
Store brand cereal
Hot sauce
I have had my website for over 10 years. .
and I would like to know if it qualifies as an Organic web site?
How can i find out and does it really matter?
HI everyone! I’m a 14 year old who is interested in selling handmade jewelry online (target market: young women, teens etc). I would love some advice as to:
-where to buy materials?
-what web host I should use?
-is licensing needed?
-what is product licensing insurance? will i need it?
-contracts? since I’m 14 will that affect anything?
-general advice
I have some ideas where to start and I have done some research on permits. Please help if you can. If you are going to say something along the lines of, “Stay in school…” or “don’t bother, you’re too young…” then don’t bother answering. Thanks in advance!
I have completed my graduation and want to make a carrier in IT field…well I heard a lot about SEO (Search engine optimization) but really not able to find much more abot SEO as a career…. well as I m from Mumbai, India….I have given interview also in Avanindra SEO services in Mumbai, India….and I got selected to but not able to decided is SEO will be a good career….Please need ur suggestion….thanks in advance for the suggestion and the time for ur help……………
If you have a PDF, that would be great. Not needed, but would be great.
I have done these for my website:
– Manual Directory Submission
– Social Bookmarking Submission
– Article Submissions
– add comments to blogs, forum, etc. with a link to my website,
what should I do now to get a better page rank and much more traffic to my website?
What do you like or dislike about SEO type of websites; including forums?
i am develop a website in php. i want to kept it in Google Organic search. can Google charge for it. i have no money for ppc or paid search. Please give me answer. i am new in SEO area.
sorry for my English.
Thanks to all.
hello everybody.
I am kinda OK web designer. I just got my personal web design done!
Now I wanna know what is SEO and how to use it. SEO stands for search for “Search Engine Optimization”. Please tell me and guide me. I am nooob in it. Dont know noting about it, but wanna use it.
So please tell me little bt abt it and GIVE ME GUIDE HOW TO USE IT!
THANKS in Advance guyz!
I just started writing for a freelancing site, and I was told to try some organic linking for the best SEO results. Does organic linking entail adding links to other websites other than the one I write for? Or is it linking to other articles on the site I write for?
Is organic or natural link building contacting websites personally and sending individual and personalized emails? How does google recognize the difference between organic and generated? Does one take a slower amount of time. Do I get rewarded if I build my links slowly? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
I want to put SEO Vs Organic seo
Can Anybody help me what is difference between SEO and organic SEO
I’ve recently created a new website selling all sorts of Nail polish and nail care products.
It’s not been live for very long, can you tell me if the SEO is any good?
Plus any feedback on the look and operation of the site would be really appreciated.
Can anyone suggest me a good SEO service provider for my new website?
Hello friends.
My name is Ivan from Toronto, Canada. I am a copywriter for a SEO company located in Montreal, Quebec.
Me and my colleagues have run into a little dilemma and I was wondering if you could assist us with your expertise.
We are a search engine optimization company, and are currently working of a FAQ section of our site and by our very nature tend to ask more technical, advanced questions and are afraid of overlooking the obvious. Since SEO is quite a niche practice, I was wondering if you could give us a hand and ask a couple of questions.
SEO – Search Engine Optimization, what would be the questions you would ask if you came across that phrase. For Example:
– What is it?
– Who does do?
– and so on, anything that comes to your mind will be of great value to us.
We would greatly appreciate any questions on your part, no matter how small or big! Anything that can help us get that FAQ up there!
I will try to answer all of them. Thank you, hope to hear from you
My name is Sunil.
Please suggest some ideas..
When using rank checking tools, many of them run too many queries in a short amount of time causing the search engines to temporarily ban your IP. The same can happen if you use too many tool bar tools at once.
But are there any ways to stay search engines friendly?
I am newbie in search engine optimization and working on my site for the PPC campaign. I am researching about it. Hope you will give me good suggestions.
Hello friends………I want to become a SEO professional. But i am unable to get the grip over this. I am unable to decide what i have to learn and how i can learn to become a better SEO professional. Meta tags preparation, Blogs, Directory submissions……only these are SEO topics are there anything left.Plzzz guide me. Can anyone suggest what are the things i have to learn about to become a professional in SEO
Want to know about SEO?
Im looking for Affordable Search Engine Optimization SEO Philippines?
Cheapest Web Marketing, Promotion, SEO, Internet Marketer?
organic vs inorganic seo
Please reply me in detail about SEO ?
What is work of seo etc…………..
What Is diiffrence between seo and sem
Can any one tell me which one is most beneficial?? Search Engine Optimization or Social Media Optimization??
Please help??
Hi everyone,
Could anyone tell me what is the SEO and and other things related to it iam sorry but iam little new to such things..If I have a website so how I can promote it to Top Rank??
Thanks in Advance.!!
i work for this company which has got really effective products. Being a small scale company, it cannot try paid online marketing methods.Any ideas ?
i am designer i want to learn it so plz tell me whats in on page seo & off page how to rank & get page rank? I hope you will help me in this can talk to me at
I always read about SEO but don’t really understand it.
Hi, i want SEO (search engine optimization) e- book or pdf filed book, it should be suitable for beginner as well as experience ones. please provide download link if possible.
I wanna know the tools of SEO?
hi friend
I am a web Designer currently i am studing about Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) so what type of software i have to use for making traffic and others
What is SEO and what are its various types
Hello friends,
I know this might be a little elementary, but what is the main difference between SEO and PPC? Do you consider PPC to be part of SEO?
Anybody knows this method. I’m sure; the Godfather of SESs Google also cannot give the guarantee for rankings within 48 hrs.
Look at the screenshot.
If you know this method Please reply here or PM me. I’m very much grateful to you. And If your method works means, I’m ready to pay for your coaching. (Screenshot Link)
I went to and saw it is all flash. Does this hurt SEO? as well as
please can anyone tell me the real meaning of search engine optimization(SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM)
I’m looking for a sites that can teach for SEO techniques
Is SEO necessary for a website?
satendra kumar
Which is the best WordPress SEO plugin?
from where u can learn seo, linux, php.
Recently I purchased cheap SEO package in internet consultant online. but my web site got top in Google . i go lot of link from different website As a result i am getting traffic and sale . I purchase for 3 month . Will i purchase one year from ? Any one suggest me good or bad ? which seo package good for business sale ?
What is meaning of SEO data?
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