Lots of people make a big deal about how you can make serious money by monetizing traffic, and it’s pretty obvious how it works. If you can convert every hundredth visitor into a $35 affiliate sale, you can make $.35 per visitor. All well and good, but what about the traffic that visited you last November? Are you doing anything to monetize them?
Some of you are nodding and smiling, and others are wondering if there’s some hidden function to the WayBack Machine that they don’t know about. The truth has nothing to do with time travel, digital or otherwise — it’s all about targeted Email marketing.
How It Works
- Someone comes to your website, where they encounter some form of offer — get a free XYZ; just put your Email in here.
- They put in their name and Email address, and immediately, they receive a confirmation Email. “Did you really want this? (By the way, you’re also giving us the right to Email you in the future whenever we please.)”
- They confirm. “Yes, I do!” Tramadol 50mg
- They receive a link to whatever XYZ they were offered — and they’re also put on a list of Email addresses for future mailings.
- Some days later, they receive an Email from you. It may or may not have a sales attempt in it. It also has an offer to unsubscribe.
- They keep receiving Emails from you indefinitely until they unsubscribe. Some or all of them will try to sell them something.
- Some people will come across a new Email a year or more after they first landed on your page, and they’ll be attracted to your offer, and they’ll buy.
- Congratulations, you just converted traffic from a year ago.
Of course, you still need traffic in the first place. You’ll never make money without some source of traffic, be it organic SEO, SEM, or something else entirely. But with a tool as simple and powerful as targeted Email marketing to help you take advantage of that traffic in an entirely new way, you’ll squeeze more money out of each visitor than you possibly could otherwise.
19 thoughts on “Profiting From Last Years Traffic with Targeted Email Marketing”
do you need to have a website, or can you just specialize in email marketing itself for a certain topic (say, fashion?)
hello !!anyone know how to set up free email accounts
example,yahoo,hotmail and google.tq
i am designer i want to learn it so plz tell me whats in on page seo & off page how to rank & get page rank? I hope you will help me in this matter.you can talk to me at rohit.7002@gmail.com
I have been trying to research ways of increases sales to my site. I see these sites like emailmarketinginnovation.com etc but wonder if I would even see a 10 percent increase. Any experience????
Thanks to all.
I am new in email marketing kindly provide business people mail id for email marketing.
i own a small bussines where i sell a good quailty brand of safetywear , for the quality my prices are very very good my bussines is all done online i store the stock at my friends garage but i am not getting many big orders which is not good since i have masses of stock i want to find a customer who will order in bulk so my question is : will email marketing be effective, should i email big compaines? and should i send them mail? if so should it be hand written?
I am trying to start email marketing. I have my own website that sales some products. Now what I is my idea that I want to send email to my register customer about latest products.
But I need to know that should I have to take any license (spam fees) so my email will not get spam by hotmail,gmail or yahoo or any other mail provider.
Is organic SEO Needed by the automotive Industry or should they just continue to put all their internet net advertising dollars in PPC and buy leads from carsites?
I want to put SEO Vs Organic seo http://www.toporganicseo.com/seo-tips.htm
Can Anybody help me what is difference between SEO and organic SEO
Hi everyone,
Could anyone tell me what is the SEO and and other things related to it iam sorry but iam little new to such things..If I have a website so how I can promote it to Top Rank??
Thanks in Advance.!!
My name is Sunil.
Please suggest some ideas..
Hey, I’m starting to learn email marketing today and I really would love if you can recommend some good video training course, it will definitely speed up the process of learning, cheers.
I just started writing for a freelancing site, and I was told to try some organic linking for the best SEO results. Does organic linking entail adding links to other websites other than the one I write for? Or is it linking to other articles on the site I write for?
Recently I purchased cheap SEO package in internet consultant online. but my web site got top in Google . i go lot of link from different website As a result i am getting traffic and sale . I purchase for 3 month . Will i purchase one year from internetconsultantonline.com ? Any one suggest me good or bad ? which seo package good for business sale ?
Hi, i want SEO (search engine optimization) e- book or pdf filed book, it should be suitable for beginner as well as experience ones. please provide download link if possible.
please can anyone tell me the real meaning of search engine optimization(SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM)
i need full information about Seo?
organic vs inorganic seo