I’d wager that the vast majority of small business owners firmly believe that there’s very little that goes on in their neck of the woods that’s news-worthy. They’d never consider using a press release service to announce anything business-related, because seriously. Is the fact that there’s yet another three-man pest control team operating in the greater Minneapolis region worth a spot on Google News?
No. No it’s not.
And it shouldn’t be — to a degree, those small business owners are absolutely right. But only to a degree. If you stop thinking about press release services as a method of spreading News (with a capital N) and start thinking about them as a way of sharing information that the greater public needs to hear, you can shift how you approach them.
Let’s say, for example, that your three-man pest control team has been in the biz for a while and they’ve been schooled by some experienced guys who know their subject. They know, for example, that termites hibernate all winter and them swarm first-thing in the springtime, looking for a new place to make a nest. That’s something that the general populace can take advantage of, even though it’s not news.
So they treat their press release service like it’s a PSA release service, and they write a simple blurb about how springtime is the time for termites to swarm, and they tell everyone what to keep an eye out for. They put their name and website link on it, give is to their press release service, and up it goes onto Google News and the whole bit. If they’re smart, they’ll engage local internet marketing tactics and mention their hometown in the article, so that people searching for news about their region will see it (and thus call them).
That kind of public-help material not only gets your business in the news, which is great, but it also builds a positive public-relations spin. The more urgent and the more esoteric the information you have to share with the public, the better the results. Spend an evening brainstorming a few dozen articles that you could send to your SEO company (they have a good relationship with several press release services) and get yourself a headline!
91 thoughts on “Press Release Services: Relevant To Small Business Marketing?”
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Bernanke’s words upset investors
The Fed chief pronounced the economy “unusually uncertain,” and major stock indexes fell at least 1 percent.
Last update: July 21, 2010 – 7:41 PM
Bernanke: Jobless drought could last for years
NEW YORK – Stocks fell sharply Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke confirmed investors’ fears that the economy has weakened. Interest rates dropped in the Treasury market as investors sought safer places for their money.
Bernanke told a congressional committee that the economy is “unusually uncertain.” He said the economy is fragile, but he did not forecast that it would fall back into recession.
The Dow Jones industrial average, which was modestly higher before Bernanke’s prepared remarks, fell 109 points as investors absorbed his assessment of the economy, and his statement that the Fed is ready to take action if the economy worsens.
Bernanke’s comments, part of his semiannual report to Congress, weren’t surprising given the disappointing economic reports and corporate earnings numbers released in recent weeks. But they were enough to upset investors who’ve grown increasingly nervous about the state of the recovery. Some investors may have been hoping for a more upbeat reading from the Fed chairman.
The Fed is still expecting the economy to expand this year, but the central bank has lowered its forecast for growth.
Oliver Pursche, executive vice president at Gary Goldberg Financial Services, said investors took Bernanke’s comments as “not exactly a ‘rah-rah USA’ type of endorsement.”
The Dow fell 109.43, or 1.1 percent, to 10,120.53. The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 index fell 13.89, or 1.3 percent, to 1,069.59. The Nasdaq composite index lost 35.16, or 1.6 percent, and fell to 2,187.33.
Craig Peckham, market strategist at Jefferies & Co., said stocks fell not because of anything Bernanke said, but what he didn’t say about any plans to stimulate the economy. Although Bernanke said the Fed was “prepared to take further policy actions as needed,” he also said, “we are not prepared to take any specific steps in the near term” because the Fed is still evaluating the economy.
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Could somebody please explain how does affiliate marketing work, and how do people make money from it.
P.S: I need only answers no links to join some groups and thereby asking to pay certain amount to proceed. Thanks.
Local Internet Marketing Company http://www.iclicklocal.com I am starting a Local Business here is Los Angeles, CA do any of you guys have any opinions on HOW to choose a company? I have a couple of business partners who have used iclicklocal.com A Local Internet Marketing Company and have got great results. What do you think of a company that I KNOW is reputable and I KNOW will get the job done?
How do I market my small business on the internet?
I would like to do a homestudy course of some sort that offers support and training in this area. I am in Australia don’t know if that matters. Can anyone help?
a well established hospital in the middle east, well known by the community what else we can do regarding the marketing efforts?!
Hi everybody, i am Alex and i want some ideas for local internet marketing of my products .
world open markets in relation to development
First off I raise rabbits for meat and also pets. Does anyone have any advise on where I could find a market for these rabbits? I’m trying to get set up where I can butcher and sell the vacuum sealed packages of meat so I can ship. Any ideals on a local market as far as where to start marketing. By the way I live in oklahoma
Site URL: http://www.wryrepublic.co.za
I’m looking for an internet marketing company with websites for local communitys in KS like Manhattan, Lawrence, Topeka, and Kansas City. I’m not having much luck with searching around, I want to find a company that controls multiple websites with traffic for the cities I mentioned.
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I have to do a marketing research for a daycare school for pre-k, k, 1st and 2nd grade. The question is: What secondary data may help us find this information? Will this include using the internet, books and looking at research on schools?
Okay so I’m planning to open a net cafe in CT, USA
The business would allow people to use the Computer for anything they want and charge them $2 hourly. There will be a section for drinks like water, Soda,…etc. It also would have a section for games like Play-station, X-box, Wii that would charge them $3 per game. So my question is;
1-Is it a good idea to open that business in Connecticut USA?
2-Would I have up to 24 costumers daily?
3-What things do I have to pay for to set up the Internet Cafe?
Correct me please.
I need some good websites to go learn about internet marketing and search engine optimization. I took an internet marketing class at the local university and it wasn’t worth much to me, just lots of things to do-like build a working site-DUH! I want to understand more about how SEO works and other ways of internet marketing. Any sites or suggested publications woud be greatly appreciated!
I am starting a Hi Def tvs and accessories business. We have had a local photo store for years, now we’re getting into the HD market. Our niche: internet prices, savvy consulting, delivery, setup, installtion all at lowest prices.
We are already using craigslist. What about cost/benefit of: local radio ads?, promotions through other local retailers- and which kind?, mailings?, we do have a limited website currently, but we sell local only- so how to SEO for that?
We are also Ebay powersellers/drop-off site and use Constant Contact to email blast our existing local customers with deals.
Other ideas on product line and pricing would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
“The individual suffering from AIDS certainly is a victim — frequently a victim of his own lifestyle — but this same individual victimizes innocent citizens by forcing them to pay for his care,”
2 days ago Fox News
Ron Paul”
Is the way they keep digging up this old junk and shoving it down our throats just an obvious display of their anti-Ron Paul, anti-Constitution, anti-Liberty agenda?
Are you a “news hound”?
If so, can you recommend some good online sources for news?
[Please include websites/links. Thanks!]
I own a florist in Chicago area, we have been in business for over 50 years. We have never really had to do much advertising because everyone knew us. Times have changed and I find myself looking for ways to boost sales. I never used a marketing company but I feel I have to try sometime besides an ad in the local paper.
Internet marketing can get various tedious if you only rely on emails (although emailing messages about the event to anyone i know should be the first step). I really want to find a way to send this message out to as many people as possible. Any marketing genius out there who can help me with this? Thank you so much!
I want to know the best type of insurance for me: my business is search engine optimisation and web content copywriting. I may also do some web design
I set google news to give me news from Israel and 80% of the stories it gives me are from one site that is pretty much unabashed propaganda (Ma’an News Agency). How can I block them so actual reputable news sites show up on my screen?
I am interested in purchasing my first handgun, but I am not sure where to start. I have done some research on the internet and I have decided to get a revolver. I am going to use it for home defense and target pratice for fun. I want a gun that is going to be reliable and not jam that is why I think a revolver will be my best choose. Any advice or tips I would greatly appreciated it. Thank you!
Type in news.google.com in your address bar. Then select “Tools”, then “Internet Options” then “User Current”. This will get you up and running again.
I belong to a online community at http://www.videosift.com, which users post the best videos from major video hosting sites such as Google Video and Youtube.com.
Its a small community but we are looking to extend our reach via online marketing, and i was wondering what is the best way of getting a site known on the web.
The site is updated hourly by users, and there is around 4000 users.
How to post my articles in google news and how many articles will allow to post in google news?
I’m currently a sophomore in college, intending to get an MBA after graduating with a degree in English Literature. I intend to start a business in the future, however I really don’t have much of a clue on the economics and businesses of today’s world. I try to keep in touch by reading, but this doesn’t seem like enough.
Where can I learn about what the market is demanding today and what kind of small businesses would stand a good chance if I do start a small business in the future? I’m asking so I can learn early and have an idea what it’s like to start a business. I would like to follow the economic trends of the market until the day I run my business.
Mature and informative answers would be much appreciated. Thanks
It seems to feature a greatly increased percentage of articles with a conservative/right wing bias lately to me.
I originally registered a listing with the wrong Yahoo! account — I’d like to transfer it. Can I do this?
myself vimal verma from zigroup web development company in kanpur. i want to know best planing for capturing local market
A friend of mine has started up a website which caters to the locals in the area looking and searching for business in the area and providing info on local events.
It just launched recently however she is having trouble finding clients to advertise their businesses on the website. The website also provides local listings such as events that are occuring in the city etc.
Its a really good idea, however I dont want to see the site flop. How can we market or what strategies can we use to improve it, and make it a high traffic and popular website to the locals and its businesses? How can we be able to utilize search engine optimization?
Take a look at the site, and please give your info. Much appreciated thank you!
I would like to work from my home base computer and was told my best bet would be internet marketing. I am currently a Licensed Real Estate agent is their anthing in marketing that would pertain to my current position?
How do they pick what news source they will have featured for a certain story? How does the San Jose Mercury News get featured under a article on the bridge collapse in Minnesota when California has nothing to do with it? Then there are other articles under any given story and they bring a different side of the story. Then there are other sources under that?
80% of what comes up in the search is leftist editorials! It objective reporting really too much to ask?
I have a webpage and would like to post news from Google similar to their AdWords – when it shows up in the certain place … Can’t seem to find it on google….
Hello I am new to this and I was takes to get my companies website up in the SE list. Can anyone out there help me, I would like to know what would be the best first steps in getting this site up in the SE’s, I would be grateful for any help anyone might offer..
well i want to know about google updates for seo…..is that any best site?
I want to make site for google news, bcz i want to publish my news in google news. i tried to make site for google news but failed, how can i make this site ?
I just started a business providing a service in homes. I am only selling the service. I need ideas to advertise free onlne, I have a website. Do you know of prime places or sites to get listed for free or any ideas to sell the service ?