Pay per click can be an excellent idea for drawing traffic to your site – especially when you have a decent budget, and you know where your target audience likes to surf already.By using careful PPC management, you can grow substantially faster than through mere SEO operations alone.
A lot of content sites allow you to simply arrange to pay a fixed price per click, instead of the more complicated bidding system that search engines often employ.This allows you to set up your banner on someone else’s site (where there are hopefully tons of people who want to see your content) – then when someone clicks your link, you pay a set price to the owner of the other site.
Of course, PPC management is tricky, and getting the best deal for your money involves several important bits of knowledge, which we’ll discuss below.
1. You have absolutely got to know your target audience.While unscrupulous web developers and petty competitors have committed link fraud to the point where there are often software controls in place to prevent such exploitation… there is no software that will cause your link to be clicked if you place it on an inappropriate site.If you write about sail boats, your link most likely won’t get you much traffic on a site about 16th century French castles.
2. You also need to know, not only who your target visitors are, but what they respond to. People with an ironic bent might enjoy a simple line like “Click this freakin’ link!”Others, on the other hand, might enjoy a short value proposition such as, “Click here for some great deals on organic cheese!”You should also keep in mind that often a picture doubles the impact of what you’re saying (and sometimes it magnifies your impact beyond what can easily be expressed in language).In the case of erotica, for instance, talking about what the lovely ladies do to one another is great – but if your link features the lovely ladies doing something interesting with one another… the impact expands to a level approaching bursting.No puns intended, of course.
Perhaps a picture is worth a thousand clicks?
3. Keep in mind that a click is not an opt-in, and it is not a sale.One of the saddest parts of PPC management is that you must constantly allow for mere visitors, who won’t add much value to your site – maybe they’ll join your list, and maybe they won’t.Maybe they’ll take up your offerings, and mayhap they won’t.
PPC management is an art form – but it can be mastered, with dedicated practice.
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