Every organic SEO company in the world has the same basic goal: to get their clients one or more first page placements on Google and possibly a few of the secondary search engines as well. But as the world moves further and further into the realm of online social marketing, there’s become a ‘new crop’ of companies that take their pride not in ranking your sites on the big G, but on ‘ranking’ them on the big F-and-T: Facebook and Twitter(and even TikTok).
Social marketing is undoubtedly a huge part of the modern SEO environment: if you’re a social success, it means that people are talking about you, which means a broader customer base. If also means that people are probably creating backlinks to your site, which of course strengthens your site’s rankings on Google as a side benefit. The biggest benefit of social marketing, however, is going viral: the ability to post some unique or uniquely witty commentary about your industry or product and have everybody forward your content to everyone they know because it’s just that good. The result can be a server-crashing surge in traffic that can make an incredible amount of money in a very short period of time.
Getting first page placement in search engine results and achieving social success are both important goals for businesses, as they can help drive traffic, increase brand awareness, and boost sales. Here are some tips for how to achieve both:
- Optimize your website for search engines
- Create high-quality content
- Engage with your audience on social media
- Collaborate with influencers
- Track and analyze your progress
The question is which you should shoot for. Given that a first page placement on Google will probably last longer and take less man-hours overall to obtain, it seems like a pretty evident first step to take. But then, social dominance comes with it’s own powerful draw as well: it’s self-feeding. Once you reach critical mass, the effort fades into the background as your followers create their own content and you can step back and enjoy the rewards.
The Best Hosting Service
If you’re looking for a great web hosting provider, we highly recommend Bluehost. They offer various hosting plans to fit any budget and are one of the most popular providers. Plus, their funnel page makes it easy to get started with them. Bluehost’s funnel page is designed to help you get started with their service as quickly and efficiently as possible. They offer a variety of plans to choose from, so you can find the perfect fit for your website. Plus, their customer service is top-notch, so you can always count on them to help you if you need it.

At first, it seems like ‘both’ isn’t really a valid option, either. It takes too much time and effort to socially market, and organic SEO isn’t exactly a quick affair, either. Fortunately, there are clever ways to use social media marketing techniques to create backlinks at the same time. Not every SEO company is comfortable enough with the latest social tools to pull a stunt like that off, but talk to yours. It might just be that they have a program that’s designed to drag some high quality backlinks out of the social media machines — the best of both worlds at once.
Struggling to stand out in a sea of generic content? Read Custom Blog Creation: If You Don’t Have It, You Need It to learn how about custom-tailored blog posts that speak to your audience enabling you to attract and retain visitors with high-quality, custom blog content that establishes your expertise in your industry.
37 thoughts on “Get First Page Placement and Social Success: How to Achieve Both for Your Business”
How do I place a program I made in visual studio to my web page?
Does anyone know anything about page design…. I’m in publications at school right now and i dont know what the frick I’m doing
I am trying to get my web site noticed, I have cutting horses, stud service,boarding and training available. I am new to the online business world and would appreciate some sound advise! Thanks
I am in the middle of a homework assignment and i have been thrown off by a secondary page. What is that? I am def lost now. Here is the whole assignment so you can get a better idea by what I mean. My instructor is not online and this is due tonight. I dont want you to do my homework I am just asking someone to expalin this to me.
•Resource: Project Proposal
•Build from your Week Two Project Proposal.
•Visualize the page design for your site by creating two different page layouts for the home page and a secondary page.
•Identify the placement of headings, navigation, text areas, images, etc.
•Submit both layouts. This may be accomplished using Microsoft® Word program, PowerPoint® program, Visio® software, or Adobe® Photoshop® software under Assignments link
I already have my website thing ready to go just need to know what the secondary page is.
and is it possible to put a background for your yahoo 360 page?
shud i drop 1yr for prep for iit or aieee or shud i join ipu college wat abut it placements…and campus environment…wat about comp sc course(b.tech) in ipu…
I just got a MacBook Pro, but I don’t have a work processor installed on it yet.
Should I get Microsoft Word, or buy Pages off the app store?
Explanation of answer too please.
or it must me at the first pages?
Does it mean place the ad in the first few pages on the right hand corner or…?
i.e. I don’t what for what I am doing on page one to affect the placement of the content of page two.
I am paying $140 for first page google placement but I never find myself there, the company that I am paying is now accusing me of being the reason “loosing my rank” as they say that I am the one that is responsible for looking to often, is this true or are they scamming me?
I have idea how to insert page numbers in Microsoft Word. I have tried using page breaks and stuff but I can’t get it wot work. The problem is I am working on a thesis in which I want to give page number as below:
No Page number to front page.
Page numbers to first 4 pages in Roman format ( I, II, III, VI….).
Then after the roman numeral pages normal pagination starts but with different placement. Therefore, page 1 (bottom of page). The rest of the chapters pages will be in the upper right hand corner. A new chapter would bring page x at the bottom, and so forth. Help please!
how can i add a google adsense search code in my hub pages and how can i increase my revenoue with hub pages can any body tell me the clear way to increase my revenue
i took my placement test last week.
i got a 72 reading
87 writing and
66 math
College Placement Score Guide:
Writing Skills
0-23 level 1 elementary
24-77 level 2 college
78-100 level 3advance
Reading Skills
0-67 basic reading
68-100 college reading
Mathematics (pre- algebra)
0-26 math fundementals
27-100 intro to pre algebra
i was told that if i wanted to enroll in a selective program- i needed to have my reading and writing as close to 100 as possible.
for the program i want, Vet Tech- my advisor said there are only 60 seats and they get around 300 applicants.
Is there any material i can get to boast my score in reading and writing, math does not apply for selecting?
can any body explain me the page rank and how its effect a website ranking
I am wondering how I can add more Beatles pictures to my yahoo! 360 page? I am a person that likes to switch things around alot, so I’d like to have more pictures to choose from. Please help?! Thanks
Would you rather use Google or Yahoo as a search engine
what is google money system?
who is reliable international placement consultants in delhi for gulf can anyone tell me because i m looking for a consultant who place candidates in IT sector and do not charge from candidates.
I think that it would be more convenient to have the Mail block of information in the middle of the page and the Featured block to the right of the page. I want to switch these two.
i’m interested in taking the advanced placement program, but my school does not offer it so i have decided to study it myself!!! can i do that??? and if so how? do i need a tutor???
thank you
Can some one guide me. How can I place an image say vertical banner on my web page adjacent to the body text. It comes beneath the text every time I copy and paste the HTML code..
My homepage is distorted…the pictures seem crunched, and the ads that were on the right side of the page, are now below the “sites” column. How do I fix this?
I’ve been trying to figure out how some of the more appealing Websites pull off their look. It appears that it’s well placed gifs (with text/links within the gifs). I’ve been trying to create an appealing site with just html and jpgs, with little results.
Am I on the right track with this?
Im looking for all the alternatives for google.com the ones ive found so far are
is this all of them or did I miss any?
this is not a list of all the possible extensions they are all infack working google.com alternatives there are alot of other extension possibilities however they are not working or google does not choose to have them have any content. Im looking for other google domain extensions that lead to google seasrch engines, thank you.
I’m a little confused about pen names. I assume you use your real name when giving contact details and your pen name when saying who the novel has been written by, but which do you put in the heading that appears at the top of each page?
Also, does it matter if the page number is at the top of the page or should it be at the bottom?
I’ve heard so much about Google what is it.
Oh OK thx 4 d answers guys I thot it was some weight loss program
I recently moved to Israel, and now whenever I try to go to google.com, it automatically redirects me to google.co.il.
The problem is, I don’t like Google Israel! It’s all left to right and in Hebrew.
How do i stop it from redirecting me? All I want is google.com.
not in the album, but on the page =]
I am doing a business plan for a school project, and I need to know how much I am going to spend for advertisement.
Thank you.
Can anyone tell me how to prepare for subex placement any useful sites so that I can prepare well thank you.
we know of:
mystery google
purple google
pink google
goth googlt
scene google
metal google
What should google improve on?
When will Google Answers come out?
As all of us know that the SEARCH ENGINE Giant GOOGLE has launched a new social portal called Google Plus (Google+) It seems now the Google Buzz is no more useful.
can any one answer what is the meaning(use) of Google buzz now?
How did Google get its name?
ROP – Run of Page, Run-of-page.
If you work in advertising and understand what this has to do with the placement or frequency of adverts, love to hear your response!