Local SEO Marketing and Organic SEO Services Blog, News, Articles

What Does Forum Posting Do For Our Clients?

We do a lot of different tasks as part of our organic SEO package. Depending on our clients’ specific needs, we may be posting blog entries; writing and distributing articles to article directories, press release services, and Web 2.0 properties; or submitting the client’s website to a few thousand hand-picked directories. Most of what we do is pretty obvious to even an unsavvy client, but one thing we consistently get questions about: why do we do forum posting as part of our service?

The answer is surprisingly complex. There are a few different reasons why forum posting can be good for our clients, and it’s not always the same reason for every client.

Forum Posting is a Form of Social Marketing
When you post to a forum and you mention your product, you’re not exactly posting about it on your Facebook wall, but you are exposing the populace of the forum to your product. Forum posters are particularly good about responding with their opinions about their board-mates’ ideas and products, so posting about your product or business on a forum is a good way to get some social proof and spread the word at the same time.

Forum Posting Is Good SEO Strategy
Forums are wonderful sites for backlinks. They constantly produce new content (Google loves that), they’re generally pretty tightly focused around their subject of choice, and as long as you post your backlink with the blessing of the administrator, the links tend to last forever. Of course, it can be a pain in the butt to get the administrator’s blessing, but we make sure to do so before we start planning to post a backlink at all.

The backlinks you build from forums have almost everything that Google loves in backlink. They’re from an authoritative, relevant source with plenty of regular traffic. You get to control the anchor text and the LSI text as well as when the post is made and precisely which page on your site it links to (so it’s good for deep linking). There’s really no downside to a link from a forum to your site.

So what does forum posting do for our clients? Almost everything, if it’s done right — all the more reason for us to do it.

111 thoughts on “What Does Forum Posting Do For Our Clients?”

  1. Okay little brother has tried this game and he really likes it. So when his trial ran out I got him a prepaid visa. However hes said, even though he has the client from the trial, he needs to but the actual game too. Is that true or can I go ahead and make a subscription to it and the game will work?

  2. Clayton Cottrell

    Im doing a free trial. Starting at 5Pm yesterday till11. I dled the trial. But every time I try to install it between 8% and 46% I get a message that says the installation failed. Becasue of a possible corrupted common.mpq. I know that its not the hard drives problem because i tried it ibn two different ones. I think its because it mey have taken so long for the trial to dl, that part of it was corrupted.
    here Im gonna “install it again” and show you the exxact message
    here it is: it got to 45% kinda psyched me up for a moment 🙁

    An error was detected while verifying the contents of the file “C:Program FilesWorld of WarcraftDatacommon.MPQ”. There may be a problem with your system, or with the drive at C:. You can attempt to install again. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support.
    Oh my god this time it made it as far as the pach mpq (75%) i THINK i MIGHT BE ABLE TO GET THIS INSTALLED! I’ve had a similar problem with another game and it did it eventually

  3. Please Help!
    We have been on YouTube for long and we need more SUBS/View Our YouTube name is JKASstudio
    If you have time please Subscribe or watch our videos!
    If you Subscribe expect parodies,Skits, Action and stuff

  4. Davenport Lyons are threatening to issue proceedings against me. Allegedly, my 13-year-old son downloaded a game illegally. I have spoken to him, he didn’t know he was doing anything illegal. He didn’t install the game and never played it, so he derived no benefit from it. Davenport Lyons are claiming £565 from me. I’m a single mum with two children, now 14 and 4, struggling on benefits. There are no childminders to collect my daughter from school so my employment possibilities are limited. Why do Atari and Davenport Lyons need £565 more than I do? Is this how our legal system is organised? To allow predatory lawyers to trawl through records to persecute a child for a genuine mistake?
    They have tried this money-making operation before until the country got sick of it, apparently:


    To add insult to injury, if I settle out of court and pay the minimum £10 a month they are prepared to accept, the total amount repayable is £656.00. In addition to this, I have to answer a detailed questionnaire and provide them with a statement of means to prove that I cannot afford their original, and in my opinion, extortionate, claim.
    I felt that this should be brought to the attention of the public, don’t you agree?







  5. we are an event management company here, now we are launching BTL services as well. i am making a presentation on btl services for our clients can you please suggest some good and new ideas on different product and also what line would be the best for BTL?

  6. Hi guys.

    A friend and I are interested in starting a forum, blog, or website (or a combination of any of the three) to hopefully attract people and generate a nice income, even if it is small. We’re both teenagers, so even if the idea fails, it’s not like we’ll lose much. We just have a few concerns:

    1. What’s a good, popular topic to center our website around?

    2. Should I just use Google Adsense, or should I use another adservice? Or a combination of multiple services?

    3. What are ways, other than ads, that we can generate revenue?

    4. What’s the most reliable & cheapest hosting service? I understand that it’ll vary depending on if we want a blog/forum/just a website, but a general idea would be nice.

    5. How much knowledge of php/html/css do we need? I understand that we can just use dreamweaver or something, but I don’t really like the idea of using WYSIWYG programs.


  7. kevindiking67verizonnet

    My company is using accounting software which i guess is made in sybase sql anywhere 5. Now issue is that suddenly our store clients became very slow while entering data in 100mb database file located at our server.
    How can I diagnose the problem or error?
    I need to read the error log file, dont know where it is and how to read it?

  8. If I want to play Age of Empires 2 against my friend, do all i need to do is follow these steps and i’m good?:

    – both computers have the game playing
    – both computers go to multiplayer
    – both computers type in the others’ IP Address

    should that work? if i follow all of those steps would i be able to play my friend whom is right next to me on the other computer?

  9. does anyone know any games like age of empires playable either online or offline? i have played tribal wars btw and didnt like it so jut wondering if anyone knows anymore

  10. stealspartansbcglobalnet

    I checked the Madeleine Foundation website and it looks like the McCann family’s lawyers gave him the option of signing a voluntary agreement to stop libeling and defaming the McCann family. But he claimed he never libeled or defamed in his works or the Foundation’s works.

  11. I’m still in high school and i need a way to make money over the summer. I’m going to be busy alot so a job probably wouldn’t work out. any ideas?

  12. We just really would like some honest opinions on what you think of our channel. We do want more subscribers and views just like everybody so it would mean a lot if you could comment and rate, and if you want you can subscribe too, we would gladly subscribe u back(: Thanks so much!! No negative comments please!


  13. I tried searching it up but all I know now is that the error is DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and the stop code is 0x000000D1. However I don’t know what to do. Also, below the stop code there is something that I found out might be the problem, but when I search for it I can’t find it anywhere in my computer. It said NETw5s64.sys. Can some please help me?

  14. In all of the forums it says that I dont have the permission to post yet, or it wont let me when i just joined… How do i gain permission to post in forums in general, but specifically at anime-planet.com

  15. hey. i made a forum for my website called http://www.myhouseofsorrows.com —it is very lonely right now so if anyone can go on the forum and post random stuff on it i will be uber grateful 😉
    well, for my website i pay about $90 a year and the forums come with the host

  16. Can i submit same article to 50 different Article’s website at a time ,
    Content of the article is same , will it be considered as a spam?

  17. actully in our network they installed one firewall from cisco and what they did is the blocked the java applet to work
    because of that m not able to connect yahoo messenger or any chat rooms and i wish if there is alternative way to use yahoo messenger with Voice chat and webcam.
    if not can u tell me any free chat room(if having malayalam its better)working with some other program other than java.

  18. Is there any forum trick to increase the number of posts u ve made.. using any javascript or sumthin..

    Like in orkut , u can use a javascript to increase ur fans!!!!

    Plzzz.. reply.. I promise a 10 points for the first and satisfying answer!!!

  19. Travel Agent Forum new to Myspace.com

    This forum is for accreted travel agents, travel agency owners & travel vendor employees only. NO ADVERTISERS ALLOWED

    Looking for help with a client? Looking for a new job in the travel industry and need to network? Need a place to vent when the vendors cut our commissions? Post travel scams – out a bad agency – networking – give and get advice for travel agents, travel agency owners & travel vendor employees. NO ADVERTISERS ALLOWED.
    This is not for advertisers, it’s for travel agents to have a forum to go to and exchange info and get help. Again, this is not a place to get leads unless you think you can sell a package to another travel agent and if that’s the case, we all want to know your super skills:)

  20. Ages of Empires II and EE:Art of Conquest don’t work on my Windows Vista Home Premium. Whenever I start the file, it says the program needs to close and closes. Definetely better that the “End Program” message of Windows Xp, but still I want to play! Any ideas about solving this.

  21. his will be a very exciting yet very simple job.

    Your job is too place ads into the following network

    Gumtree ONLY in the Australia & New Zealand.

    This is a simple job in testing how many hits you can get your ad pulling.

    As this is how you get paid, $1 per lead / replies PLUS A BONUS SYSTEM IS NOW IN PLACE FOR AGENCY REGISTRIES (the more that sign up , the more you make)

    Rules & Set up (please read carefully) if NOT followed correctly delays or non-payment will occur.

    1. Open a separate email account (gmail is great for this )

    2. Job Ads are only to be placed on Gumtree only and ONLY.

    3. You make your own you just need to put them up and reply to them using the EMAIL RESPONSE BELOW.

    4. Go to gumtree.com.au and place ads under Job Section.

    5. No phone number to be put in ad as you don’t want to be bombarded with calls.

    6. The more hits the more money you make, and yes you can make your own ads as long as they are in Mainstream Catergories.

    7. All ads need to have the following in the job description, `please include email` for us

    to contact you, as this is the best way for you to reply.

    8. If the contact (person applying for job) does not give out their email you can email them back (through the Gumtree Replier system)and

    ask them once again for their contact details (for you to respond to them), the reason for this is , Gumtree is extremely unreliable in forwarding on content , so this enables

    you to work direct with your client by getting their personal email address.

    9. Please activate ads via email not a Gumtree account

    10. Keep your confirmation / management links , we will require them when asked, these are the first emails Gumtree send you.

    11. In summary , you are running and ad , you will then respond to the person(s) with the EMAIL RESPONSE BELOW, this guides them to log into our system with their

    personal details for our agency to contact them.

    12. The ads are to be mainstream ads (eg hairdresser , carpenter, bookkeeper etc), great way to find what is working for others is go for a quick look and see whose getting HITs, then copy the ad, change the words a little then repost it , EASY!

    Is this a Scam?
    Also I received this


    Q.I have never written an ad before? What do I do?

    A.You don’t have to , we supply them.

    Q.Do you post ads for me to place?

    A.No , you have applied for a Ad runner Position, this is your job.

    Q.What category to place it in?

    A.The right category is important , remember we are a recruiting agency that works for companies sourcing good skilled people to fill positions. We cover all backgrounds and careers. CBD is the best area.

    Q.So do i have to make up bogus or fake ads?

    A.No , I don’t know where people are getting this from , we have Employers constantly looking for the right people, there for we need the right candidates.

    Q.I got 10 emails, does that mean I made $10?

    A.No , you get paid on HITS , this is located on your gumtree ad, if you got 10 emails you probably got 40 Hits, you made $40

    Q.How do I know how well my ad is going?

    A.Hit counters are placed under the ad, monitor this to gauge your hits

    Q.When do I get paid?

    A.Fortnightly its upto

  22. I am adding a forum to my website to people can submit their input to my email , here is the webs page you will be able to tell where the forum starts, I am including the whole page ( small code) so I am not confused on anything such as where the code would be entered.:

    1Horseluver23 Designs(: Order


    <img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/35k52fa.gif&quot; border="0"

    Order a Costum Layout or Banner

    Welcome to 1Horseluver23 Designs! Our site is under construction! This Page will be available soon!

    How Many Scroll Boxes? ( enter a one-didget number 1-9)
    Background Color?
    Layout Picture
    Buttons? If so, how many? ( one-didget number 1-4)
    Button colors? ( if no buttons leave *blank*)
    Any Special Requests?

    Thanks! -1Horseluver23

    Where would I insert a code that makes the input people enter into this forum submit to my email? Here is the code I have been using…

    it’s probably wrong, if not where do I insert it? If it isn’t please give me the correct coding and tell me where to insert it to the code to make it work.


  23. I put my hard earned money in their Golden Plan but after processing work they did not give me my money. Can anybody tell me how can I get my 46000 Rs back? I really worked hard by typing data files day and night. Please help tell me are they fraud? Anybody else had to face this?

  24. Well i’ve found this company on the internet and i was happy because they are exactly what i need at this moment. But they gave me just a little information about them and they asked me to pay $295 for a service that normally is payed by the companies.
    The website (www.maplegroup.ca) have a lots of issues, the links don’t work, including the page “ABOUT US” that is wrote is Latin. The phone number is out of order and the address is not real. I’ve called to the building administration (CANADA TRUST CENTRE) and they’ve left a few months ago.
    Here in this same page you cant find some questions about them. But if you look the answers are all by people with new login. Always saying something good about them. And always the same people answering different topics. Strange.
    So the thing is… They’re real and this was just bad coincidences or they are a fake company??

  25. We’ve gotten a client and finished his work, which he was very happy with. We have business cards, we’re on Twitter, Facebook, and we created a referral program. What would be the best way to find our next few clients?

  26. I need to find a nice/helpful website to do advertising and interact with customers, to promote our services, i need something other than facebook /twitter… im open to new ideas as well 🙂 please advise.

  27. I have an account with IMDB not Pro, just a simple free account. However, I want to be able to post in the forums on some of the movies, and in order to do so you must “Verify your account”. The options it gives you either (a) Sign up using your Amazon account (b) credit card (they assure you, you will not be charged. (c) Cell Phone Number (Which I did enter mine but got several errors.

    Now my question, does it cost money to be able to post on the forums, do you have to be on the IMDB PRO package or what? Thank you for taking the time to read & answer.

    10 Pts to best answer.

  28. A family member asked me to take photos at our small family reunion at the house she resides in. The only way for me to display my photography is on facebook, it is just easier that way.

    I posted the photos for the rest of my family to see, plus i am proud of my photos and want others to see. She requested me to take them down. I got angry because she is just now telling me this, but i really want to leave them up because they are like works of art to me. btw i took them down due to her request.

    My question is what is my legal right as the photographer when posting them on facebook? (because facebook is so informal, a release form seems weird, plus she requested and gave me permission to take pictures)

    and what are her legal rights as the subject in the photos and the owner of the house?
    I just want to understand and make sense both sides.
    she hasn’t given me a valid reason as to why she wants them down.

  29. I have tried to play age of empires II (age of kings) online against my friend but have been unsuccessful.

    the game works 100% on single player.

    We have used gamespy arcade and have tried to connect using the ‘internet TCP/IP option’ in the multiplayer section of the game.

    when i search him, i find him but i can never join his game. It is the same vise-versa when i create a game.

    When we are in gamespy arcade, we both get in the same chat room and he clicks ‘launch’, the game loads for both of us but i just go back to gamespy arcade. We have used many other clients but they have the same result.

    We were trying to get it working for 5 solid hours, can someone please help us?

    thanks 😉

  30. Does anyone know what’s the script to post a table in a forum post?

    I tried

    [table][tr][td]This is some stuff[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]Some More Stuff[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]This is some stuff[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]Some More Stuff[/td][/tr][/table]

    But it doesn’t work.

  31. To get a new verison of client it tells me i have to go out of my browser and come back in.. i have done that several times but I still get the same popup. It says that if i clear my “cache” that that might help too.. ive deleted all the files, cookies, and web pages in options.. so what do i have to do to get the new version?

  32. I would like this to be for our clients only and I’d like to be able to remove any postings that are inappropriate. How do we set this up, launch and monitor it successfully?

  33. because im tring to play against a friend.
    on 2 dif computers and i need to knwo if theres a website for us to go to to connect and play?

    ive seen the website before but im not sure where

  34. The Dark Knight

    Hubby and I are looking for a game we can play together. He likes things such as Halo. I like things such as Age of Empires. The only game we’ve ever agreed on is Diablo II. We have XBox 360 and PCs (obviously). Suggestions?
    I like Civ, but he hates it.

  35. Me and my brother have multiplayer set up on both computers. My brother has set up a game and gave me the IP Address for the game to type in for the “interernet/ip connection” option. A screen pops up to enter the game IP and i do so. After it thinks about it, nothing but a blank box shows in the available games. Whats going wrong? Why isn’t it working? Can someone please help? I’ll give you 10 free points for a best answer. Thanks!

  36. For four years, I’ve been working as a writer with an outsourcing company. I’ve been writing website contents and articles for different topics. Ever since I started working for this company, I still have the same client.

    Modesty aside, this client of mine has no negative comments whatsoever about my work. I never got into the office late and I always satisfy my client with my work as a writer. Tomorrow, I’m thinking about resigning from the office because my client has invited me to become a freelance writer working at home for him. He will give me a better salary and a lot of benefits. He even added that he just stayed longer in our company hiring me as his agent because of my quality of work. But the truth is, according to him, he should have ended his contract long ago if not for me.

    Now, he’s offering me to work for him as a home-based writer. Shall I accept his offer? Is there any possibility that he might not pay me? We live in different countries far apart from each other. We haven’t seen each other personally. We only communicate through Skype or Yahoo! Messenger. In this setup, we have developed trust and confidence with each other.

    Aside from me, he has also hired other agents (web master, link builder, SEO analyst, virtual assistant, etc.) directly. I’m the only one he has hired through an outsourcing company and he wants me to work for him directly. Please help me decide.

    But my main question is: will there a chance that he will not pay me?

    Our office don’t have any problems with him regarding payments. He pays on time. If he forgets, the office will remind him and in seconds, he will pay his dues without any question. Thank you in advance.

  37. i just got age of empires 2 and i dont see any multiplayer games. i dont even know where to look. someone please help.

  38. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71t8COB0lMo

    Well i got 12,00 views on this video. but my other video doesnt seem to boom like the other one.

    How can i get more people to watch? I have 80 views so far and i think its a pretty decent video i added yester day.

    nice justin i liked it!!
    three c’s two d’s – it says your channel is not available 🙁

  39. How the hell do you start a new thread on the paizo forums. I have an account and can post in existing threads, but can’t for the life of me figure out how to start a new thread. Can anyone help?

  40. Does anyone know why I cannot post on the battle.net forums? It keeps saying “you need a character created in-game to post”, wtf? If I want to ask a technical question about a blizzard game like graphics card, I gotta first buy the game to post a question?

  41. Hi 🙂

    Okay so I am an active poster in a rather large internet forum community (15k members or so). Currently we have one forum administrator that looks like he is mobilizing his efforts to go rogue and try to completely profit off our our community. So my plan if he were to do that would be to migrate the board and just mirror it on another site, allowing our community to continue to grow.

    However, he just put up a disclaimer on the site warning us not to do so, or legal action would be taken. My question is this… how does a forum administrator claim rights of ownership to posts of a message board community (public domain) when those posts were contributed by individual members? What kind of legal trouble would I be in if I copy+pasted the board onto a different server and we just carried on without him?

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