If you have a small business that has a website (and if you don’t, you really should), you should be talking to your SEO company (and if you don’t have one, you really should) about Local Internet Marketing. LIM, as no one ever calls it, is a series of tricks that trades global exposure for highly-concentrated local exposure. Which, by and large, is much more profitable for a small business. Unless your business model includes finding customers in Japan and Kenya and mailing them your products, you’re better off looking local.
Local markets, even on the Internet, are easier to conquer than the worldwide market. When you ask your “candy bouquets” to “bouquets in Tallahassee”.
So is there ever a time when it’s bad for a small business to switch to local internet marketing? Sure, but only one: when you don’t actually have a storefront. Any business that has an address or a front door should engage in LIM as fully as they can. Local internet marketing has two big benefits that make it an obvious choice.
First, local internet marketing is cheaper than global internet marketing. The cost-per-month might be the same, but it will take fewer months to dominate your local keywords than it would have to win over global keywords of the same quality.
Second, global internet marketing isn’t likely to drive a lot of traffic through your doors. It’s just psychology — when people search for “candy bouquets”, they’re just as likely as not to be information seekers, preparing to make their own candy bouquets. But when someone searchers for “candy bouquets in Tallahassee”, they’re clearly looking to go somewhere and buy something — and that’s exactly the kind of customer you want walking through your doors.
75 thoughts on “Is Local Internet Marketing Ever A Bad Idea?”
I graduated with an associates in Allied Health Science with Indiana State Phlebotomy Certification in August of 2007 and have been looking for a job since. I am very familiar with computers. I have not been able to find a job other than seasonal work at all. I go to countless interviews just to get rejection letter after rejection letter. I go to places like pizza hut only to be told that I am better qualified for other jobs. It is beyond frustrating.
I have a poor credit rating and an even worse driving record, which doesn’t help. I was hired by the Red Cross and then turned away because I have too many points on my license. That was heart breaking for me. My student loans have gone into default because I cannot even afford a minimum payment to them that they need in order to put me on a low income plan and bring it out of default. This keeps me from going back to school which I need to do desperately now that I haven’t gained any experience in 3 years of being out of school. I am overweight and I know that keeps me from getting jobs in an economy like this, but that can’t be entirely it.
I could easily do an office job, especially at a medical office or hospital. However; I’ve applied countless times and haven’t been considered. I need help. I feel completely useless at times. I can’t go to school to help myself get a job. I can’t pay the loans that I took out for school in the past. I can’t even find a job close enough to home making minimum wage to make it worth the gas paid to go. The only arguments that my boyfriend and I ever have are about money because he barely makes enough to get us by. My children don’t understand why I can’t take them out to a movie or dinner or buy flowers to plant. I am feeling very useless, and falling deeper and deeper into depression.
Do you have any advice for me? Do you have any idea how I can start to crawl out of this huge hole that I’m stuck in?
I am a real person in real need of advice and information that is helpful right now. I do not appreciate the spam for scam loans. Why would any reputable organization in their right mind offer someone in my situation a loan? I am in debt and have no way to pay it back, so I should take out a large loan? That makes no sense. Please stop spamming. Answer this question only if you have legitimately useful information for me.
I am a first time home buyer and I am in the process of finding a new home in San Diego,Ca. We are using a realtor who also happens to be a friend of my mother in law. Now I’m not sure what there job is exactly but so far we have been looking since January, she has me look on the internet for the homes to go view, she schedules us at her convenience and she stands there and knows nothing about the homes except what we already saw on the internet so basically what she is doing for us is using her card and special realtor pin number to get us in. Is there supposed to be more to it then that? Also we have been waiting to hear an answer from a home that we put a bid in on and she doesn’t ever call us to inform us of anything new or not new, or let us know if she has even talked to them that day. Is it time I start looking for a new one? Being the fact that she is a friend of a family member should I let it go and hope all works out? Is she doing exactly what other realtors would do?
I am wondering how much you spend per week on food? How big is your family? Have you learned any tricks to saving money? We are a family of 5 and spend about $650+ per month on food. That is with couponing and shopping at a discount grocery store 25 miles away at least once per month. That leaves the other three weeks with shopping at our one grocery store within 25 miles.
I’m 14 years old and very good with computers. My friend and cousin are going to open a Internet Cafe but if we decided not to what business could I do myself or possibly partnered with them?
I wanna learn some belly dancing basics, a lil like shakira´s or sth. any ideas?
Is it possible to go through Longman? Or completely impossible?
I have no idea how to publish a book. What are the procedures? Also, will I get a good income?
i think it looks kind of cool, and i want to learn how to do it. not that i’m going to do it as a job or perform. i’m gonna do it because it works on your waist and hips and get a great body and also looks fun and really amazing. i just want to be able to do it as one of my skills. something like 0:18 through 0:53 in this video:
does anybody know any instuctional videos or websites or just tips? please answer? 10 pts ^ ^
(i reposted this question, sorry)
Ive been home for a year now and want to stay home but the cost is getting high. I was wondering if there are OTHER tips to saving money I dont know about.
We do this so far: coupons, sit in the dark, concerve water, buy generic, hes on WIC, no eating out, all driving done on one day for me but daddy has to work, cut the plans on cells, internet and phone. Cars are almost paid for so we wont sell them and the house owes more then its worth so not an option.
What are some ideas so that I dont have to put my baby in the dreaded day care?
All the feelings I am getting from my life and my marriage.
My husband complains about the way he never gets enough sleep at night, so I am trying to help him get more sleep, in vain. I wouldn’t mind if he asked me calmly, but instead he raised his voice at me right after we finished being intimate (bad timing, bad delivery.)
When he’s not grading papers, preparing for office hours, teaching classes, working on his PhD or doing research, he’s usually just browsing on the internet for his favorite stock market websites.
When he’s not doing either of those, we’re either at the office, each working on his/her own thing, or when not that, we work out (each does his/her own workout) or…we are buying groceries.
I am really lonely and sad all the time. Now he wants to get more sleep, but we already don’t spend enough time together. I am having a huge buildup of frustration and resentment. I understand he is busy but lately he gets upset so easily, raising his voice at me for small things and not self-motivated to pursue me with intimacy.
Any suggestions or ideas, comments, would be extremely appreciated for a poor sad young wife. God Bless you.
The world economy is failing, but what exactly is it?
I apologize for my ignorance, I am simply a teenager
Thank you in advance
I am a field engineer and have a degree in Information Technology. If I go back to college this year to study math, applied math or engineering, earn a doctorate in 10 years, and be a professor in mathematics is it possible?
To be a professor in math – which is my favorite subject, is it absolutely necessary to have a degree in Mathematics, will a BS in IT or Engineering make the cut?
I currently live in the states and looking to move to Europe for a few months – 6 months- 1 yr, possibly longer, depending on what it goes.
I’m looking to join an organization to ‘volunteer’ or provide some sort of professional work experience (e.g. in the US we have TeachForAmerica, PeaceCorps ETC)….but I want my experience to be more aligned with businesses/helping emerging markets grow. Ideally, I would like to get involved in import/export, Green/Sustainability type work.
I have a solid professional background. M.S in Supply Chain Management & B.Sc Engineering fields, 6 years of IT & Management consulting for BIG 5 firms….so definately have the resume and experience.
My top choice is Spain, but ok with anywhere in West/East Europe.
Does anyone have any good links/suggestions on what sort of options I could look into….(maybe any UN type programs?)
Basically, this is an adventure I want to try out to live in Europe. I was thinking of going for an MBA but not worth taking more debt. I don’t want to work for a ‘corporation’, but rather have an organized type of gig where I can explore the area, learn the languange/meet people and also feel like im giving back to a good cause that will help me down the road, but also that its worth my time & sacrifice
Any thoughts would be helpful!!!
So I’m South Asian decent, speak English, Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi etc. Little French and currently taking Spanish classes.
I agree about the economy being pathetic. I’m think this dream to go abroad next year is very risky esp since I’m already established/settled, but I wanted to do this before its too late (I just turned 30 so its harder to just putz around!!!)
i live in jackson, michigan.. so make sure its close.. & im 16
Hi Guys and Girls,
This is quite a big question, and it might sound stupid but I want to see what people say. I’m not sure what to do with my life now, I have no career plans and I don’t know what to do. My personal life is fine at the moment, maybe a bit boring. I finished university in the summer of 2010 in a social science subject which I found interesting, but makes you no different to all the other graduates out there! At least most of those people know what they wanted to do, but I don’t, and I never have. I have been looking round on the internet for personality questionnaires but they don’t help that much, and I went to my local uni (because I went to uni far away from my house) for careers advice and they helped with my cv, but they just said get some work experience. I don’t know many people around where I live and my life is pretty boring at the moment, I might start a temp job soon in retail which will be better than nothing as I need the money, and I will get to see people, but I don’t want to be stuck in some random jobs forever just drifting, it’s so depressing, especially as the job market is bad now, employers want the exact people who have all of the motivation/experience all ready, and it’s a bit hard to stand out if you are not even certain what you want to do.
I’m sorry to moan, but I have told this before to a couple of people and although they were sympathetic, they didn’t really help much! Maybe I should speak to someone, but these people are all expensive, like I can afford to pay someone £500 to assess my personality!
I went to uni just to move away, I had no idea about the job market really, I guess I was stupid, but I used to be very shy and quiet and I guess people just ignore you and think you are ok when you are in school, I didn’t get to really explore what I was good at. I want to have a goal and motivation but only if I knew what in, it’s even harder when you have left school becuase you are not learning much anymore!
I’m sorry for moaning everyone, I just wanted to tell someone.
The closest belly dancing class costs $55 a month and my mom is already paying over $60 a month for me & her to go the gym. I really really want to learn how to belly dance!
I am 16 and I loe the way woman move their stomach and it looks so fun!
I think I need a job but I don’t know where to work.
Please give me some suggestions!
Most people eat when they’re bored. Unfortunately, when I eat, I always find myself becoming extremely anxious. Usually, I like to eat while watching tv. However, this doesn’t always fly with my parents, or perhaps there is no way of being able to do this.Before I was pulled out of private school, I always used to have lunch with my friends. During this time I’d eat a lot because I was busy talking to them and joking around. Ever since then, when I started being home schooled, I’ve lost a lot of weight (Not a lot, lot. Just a lot for me.) It is my theory that it is because eating just really bores the hell out of me. So, I have two questions.
1. How do I entertain myself while eating so that I don’t feel the need to stop and do something else?
2. How can I gain weight?
Note, I do try and eat three meals a day. I also eat fruits and vegetables for snacks.
Also, Two years ago I was 5’6 weighing 100 pounds.
Now, I’m 5’8 and weigh 93 pounds.
If it’s not the becoming bored while eating, what else might cause my obvious difficulties with gaining weight? ._.
I am 100 lbs overweight and I cant stop craving carbs and fast food! Please help…any ideas? I can’t get any heavier!! I have polycystic ovarian syndrome as well which makes it doubly hard to lose weight.
My boyfriend and I were at the mall when this guy and his wife started talking to us about some things in the mall. He then asked us if we were ambitious and what we do. We told him we are students and have part time jobs. He told us that he has a business that is very successful that connects companies to other companies and uses the internet. He told us we should talk a little more about it and so we gave him our number. He called and wants to get together at a local place to talk about it. Him and his wife both seem nice. I could see this either way, good or bad. I know that businesses know young people are eager to make money and may jump at any opportunity and he may just want to take advantage of us. And I could see it as he is truly a good person just looking for new ideas for his company and know that young people could benefit his company. We are still skeptical and haven’t accepted it as good or bad yet. What do you think? Any advice on how to tell if it’s a scam or not?
Ok starting tommorrow I’m going to go on a diet, I’m going to start out by waking up around 5:15 and do a jillian michaels workout video for about 25min where you do a cardio workout. then I’m just going to drink water only letting myself drinking a powerade (my fav drink) on sundays. And I’m going to cut out all candy,chips,all the good stuff out but not to deprive myself 1s a week I can have a small bag of chips candy piece of pie e.ct. and when I eat out I’m only going to eat salads with grilled chicken and to eat at home just eat in smaller portions and by 7pm I can have no food whatso ever except a glass of water.. what do you think about this diet.. I just got motivated bacause sister in law and mother in law are a bit over weight and in less than 2 months they lost about 20 pounds each by doing the jill michaels workout. So I’m going to do that o I’m going to excercise monday-Friday around 5 for 25-30 min.. so what’s your opinion and how much weight do you think ill loose by thanksgiving.. and anything else I can do? Thanks for taking your time for answering and reading my long post oh and I’m 5″4 and 205 pounds want to be 150-160
It seems like the Democrats HATE all Republicans and all Republicans can’t stand the Democrats, more so than i have ever seen before. This is a HUGE problem. The republicans say all Democratic canidates are horrible and visa-versa. How are we supposed to work together as a country under these circumstances? How can we fix this!?!?!?
I was born and raised in New England, growing up a little north of Boston and going to college in the Providence area. I’d never really been anywhere. However, I am currently studying abroad in Europe and absolutely LOVING it. I have completely fallen head-over-heals in love with exploring new cities and getting lost in unfamiliar places. Unfortunately, I must head back to the states in mid May and am looking for a job. I’ve gone to a business school for three years and have been trained that I must have a responsible job sitting behind a desk crunching numbers. Problem is, now I have the travel bug. Bad. I know I have to stay in America for the summer (but plan on moving back to Europe once I graduate), but I do not want to go back to the same old New England routine doing an internship in Boston. Ideally, I’d love to spend my summer working/living somewhere southern (maybe Georgia) but have no idea how to even start that process.I just want to explore somewhere new. Any thoughts on how to even go about this on a poor college student budget?
I am going to have 8 glasses of water every day.
Swap BAD snacks for fruit
Have my 5 a day every day
30 minutes of excercise every day
Take the dog out for 30 minutes ever day
Have breakfast, dinner and tea.
On Tuesadys I do table tennis for 2 and a half hours once a week
Cycle 2 mile once a week to get to table tennis
I currently am 4ft 11inch and 8 stone 1
I know I’m the right weight but I used to play rugby and I don’t know so my legs have gone flabby.
Thank you for any answers
I’m not cutting down what I eat I don’t need to, I’m just swapping crisps and stuff for fruit.
i really want to buy it. can i buy a telescope from internet?
some possible personal solutions to the ‘financial meltdown’
buy local, support farmer’s markets, co-ops, buy from kijiji, craig’slist, the classifieds. Use free-cycle.
Grow your own garden and share your excess with the community food bank.
shop at the small locally owned stores, (if there are any left), drive a used car, pay off your debts as fast as possible, use the local community owned credit union.
reduce, reuse and recycle.
understand that not all of these things may be possible for you but if more and more people started trying these things, if will be for the better of our communities and not foreign owned big box business.
what do you think?…any thing to add to this?
Which one is better if I’m buying a first ever guitar and which one is less expensive?
can i see moon , mars & other stars & planet by this telescope?
I want to cash them in for money because I am never going to even bother trying to collect anymore. The coins are different in their values and some of them are foreign. If I go to a pawn shop then they are only interested in widow’s mite’s and other ancient coins. I don’t like to do transactions on the internet and want to find a local shop who will just take my box of coins and give me a large lump sum.
Is this a bad idea??? Does anyone have any suggestion on what I could do or where I could go???
I think this is 100% accurate, and would be delighted if he actually gave a speech like this. Unfortunately, he cannot, as, despite all the negative attention, he needs to stay in office and do his job, like he has been for the past 4 years. Power to the President!
Normally, I start these things out by saying “My Fellow Americans.” I’m not doing it this time. If the polls are any indication, I don’t know who more than half of you are anymore. I do know something terrible has happened, and that you’re really not fellow Americans any longer.
I’ll cut right to the chase here: I quit. Now before anyone gets all in a lather about me quitting to avoid impeachment, or to avoid prosecution or something, let me assure you: there’s been no breaking of laws or impeachable offenses in this office. The reason I’m quitting is simple. I’m fed up with you people. I’m fed up because you have no understanding of what’s really going on in the world. Or of what’s going on in this once-great nation of ours. And the majority of you are too damned lazy to do your homework and figure it out.
Let’s start local. You’ve been sold a bill of goods by politicians and the news media. Polls show that the majority of you think the economy is in the tank. And that’s despite record numbers of homeowners including record numbers of MINORITY homeowners. And while we’re mentioning minorities, I’ll point out that minority business ownership is at an all-time high. Our unemployment rate is as low as it ever was during the Clinton Administration. I’ve mentioned all those things before, but it doesn’t seem to have sunk in.
Despite the shock to our economy of 9/11, the stock market has rebounded to record levels and more Americans than ever are participating in these markets. Meanwhile, all you can do is whine about gas prices, and most of you are too damn stupid to realize that gas prices are high because there’s increased demand in other parts of the world, and because a small handful of noisy idiots are more worried about polar bears and beachfront property than your economic security.
We face real threats in the world. Don’t give me this “blood for oil” thing. If I was trading blood for oil I would’ve already seized Iraq ‘s oil fields and let the rest of the country go to hell. And don’t give me this ‘Bush Lied People Died’ crap either. If I was the liar you morons take me for, I would’ve easily had chemical weapons planted in Iraq so they could be ‘discovered.’ Instead, I owned up to the fact that the intelligence was faulty. Let me remind you that the rest of the world thought Saddam had the goods, same as me. Let me also remind you that regime change in Iraq was official US policy before I came into office. Some guy named ‘ Clinton ‘ established that policy. Bet you didn’t know that, did you?
You idiots need to understand that we face a unique enemy. Back during the cold war, there were two major competing political and economic models squaring off. We won that war, but we did so because fundamentally, the Communists wanted to survive, just as we do. We were simply able to outspend and out-tech them. That’s not the case this time. The soldiers of our new enemy don’t care if they survive. In fact, they want to die. That’s be fine, as long as they weren’t also committed to taking as many of you with them as they can. But they are. They want to kill you. And the bastards are all over the globe. You should be grateful that they haven’t gotten any more of us here in the United States since September 11. But you’re not. That’s because you’ve got no idea how hard a small number of intelligence, military, law enforcement and homeland security people have worked to make sure of that. When this whole mess started, I warned you that this would be a long and difficult fight. I’m disappointed how many of you people think a long and difficult fight amounts to a single season of ‘Survivor’.
Instead, you’ve grown impatient. You’re incapable of seeing things through the long lens of history, the way our enemies do. You think that wars should last a few months, a few years, tops.
Making matters worse, you actively support those who help the enemy. Every time you buy the New York Times, every time you send a donation to a cut-and-run Democrat’s political campaign, well, damn it, you might just as well Fedex a grenade launcher to a Jihadist. It amounts to the same thing.
In this day and age, it’s easy enough to find the truth. It’s all over the Internet. It just isn’t on the pages of the New York Times or on NBC News. But even if it were, I doubt you’d be any smarter. Most of you would rather watch American Idol. I could say more about your expectations that the Government will always be there to bail you out, even if you’re too stupid to leave a city that’s below sea level and has a hurricane approaching. I could say more about your insane belief that government, not your own wa
not your own wallet, is where the money comes from. But I’ve come to the conclusion that were I to do so, it would sail right over your heads.
So I quit. I’m going back to Crawford. I’ve got an energy-efficient house down there (Al Gore could only dream) and the capability to be fully self-sufficient. No one ever heard of Crawford before I got elected, and as soon as I’m done here pretty much no one will ever hear of it again. Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to die of old age before the last pillars of America fall.
Oh, and by the way, Cheney’s quitting too. That means Pelosi is your new President. You asked for it. Watch what she does carefully, because I still have a glimmer of hope that there’re just enough of you remaining who are smart enough to turn this thing around in 2008.
So that’s it. God bless what’s left of America . Some of you know what I mean.
i tried out for freshman girls tennis a month ago and i didnt make it
[theres varsity, jv, and frosh] and theres only about 6 freshman on the team anyways
so yeah, its a huuuge cut sport at our school
i havent played since then and i used to take private lessons which are pretty expensive
i love the sport but i dont think ill ever play it for school, or become good enough
do you suggest continue lessons or just playing on weekends w ith my friends?
also i was thinking about getting a membership at our park district for the excersise machines and track so i can stay in shape without doing a sport.. .
thanks 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I’m 13, a girl, 5″7 and 99 pounds. I have been told heaps of times that I should look into like part time modeling. I have a few friends that do it but only because they’re parents work for the busines where the advertisement is needed. I’m not trying to be boastful btw and I don’t want to do anything unhealthy or any of that I just thought it might be an interesting experience and also a good source of income as a student. So is this a bad idea (I don’t know much about it) what should I consider going into it? Any risks of things to be aware of? And where do I start if I do go forward with it?
Sorry if this is a dumb question. I’m interested but probably unlikely to go into it and I definitely won’t take it up as a profession because I have other interests also. Thanks guys.
A friend of mine has started up a website which caters to the locals in the area looking and searching for business in the area and providing info on local events.
It just launched recently however she is having trouble finding clients to advertise their businesses on the website. The website also provides local listings such as events that are occuring in the city etc.
Its a really good idea, however I dont want to see the site flop. How can we market or what strategies can we use to improve it, and make it a high traffic and popular website to the locals and its businesses? How can we be able to utilize search engine optimization?
Take a look at the site, and please give your info. Much appreciated thank you!
Has anyone ever tried it? Does it work? and if so how much did you lose in what amount of time?
That’s the one I found about it, does anyone else have a different one that worked better?
If I wanted to get a novel published (I have a few in the works), what does it take? I’m a 13 year old writer, dreaming of getting my book published someday <3.
1) I'm sure it costs to get a book published, so how much (in general)?
2) If my book were to be sold, what does that involve?
3) What is this I hear about a literary agent? What is that?
4) Is anyone ever too young to sell their book?
5) If my book is a total flop in stores (if I make it that far), what will happen? Will the publisher just no longer publish it?
6) And my final question, if my book is sold, what kind of profit do I get from it, if any? (I'm sure it has to be some, since some people write for a living) And since I'm not of age to get a job, will I still get the money myself, or will it have to go to my parents?
Thanks, homeschoolmom. You should give yourself (another) pat on the back.
I want to go cheap, because they don’t use it for very long, but I don’t want cheap…flimsy construction, poor quality etc. I’m already 7 mos and have no leads. I’ve been checking my local Craigslist daily and have found nothing. I’ve looked on Ikea and WalMarts’ websites and I am hesitant to pay for something that is cheap and that I can’t see in person before I buy. So, I was wondering if any of you brilliant Y!A-ers have any resources, good ideas to help me out? Thanks a bunch!!
At the time that Vince raided all those wrestling territories? Some of these people who hate Vince are stupid 19 year olds who weren’t even born or were babies when Vince raided all the wrestling territories. The Dragon has a reason to hate Vince, because he was actually AROUND at the time and watched wrestling. These stupid 20 year olds and under only jumped on the hate Vince bandwagon. Vince McMahon haters are the biggest bandwagon jumpers ever in wrestling. If you’re under 20 you might say “Well, I would have liked the idea of having wrestling territories.” First of all, you can’t know if you would have liked it or not. Because though on paper the idea might sound good, you can’t know how wrestling territories would have been unless you were there to witness, like The Dragon. Maybe you would’ve preferred wrestling territories, maybe you prefer it how it is now, YOU CAN’T KNOW. How would it be for the viewers on television to watch wrestling? Which wrestling territories would be available to watch on tv? WOULD all of them be on tv? Or maybe only the ones in your area would be the only ones available on tv. You can’t just say “Oh I like the sound of wrestling territories, Vince damn you.” Maybe if Vince never raided all those territories and created the global phenomenon WWE, wrestling would’ve never been mainstream television and wouldn’t be as big as it is now. Maybe TNA would’ve never been born? What I’m saying is that these 20 year old and under kids who claim that Vince raided wrestling territories and complain just read that on the internet and then decided to hate Vince for something he did 20 years ago that nobody knows if it was for the better or for the worse, unless the people, like The Dragon, actually watched wrestling at the time. If you’re under 20, you can’t complain about the slaying of wrestling territories and say they would’ve been awesome if you didn’t watch wrestling at the time.
you are right kevin, but some youngeters hate it because of what vince did to wrestling territories. They can hate it for PG since PG is current, but the wrestlign territories happened before they were born, therefore them hating vince for something he did 20 years ago is pretty stupid if you ask me.
you are right kevin, but some youngeters hate it because of what vince did to wrestling territories. They can hate it for PG since PG is current, but the wrestlign territories happened before they were born, therefore them hating vince for something he did 20 years ago is pretty stupid if you ask me.
but watching documentaries isn’t the same as actually being there WATCHING the real deal wrestling
I’m getting a footlong turkey and pepperoni sub, how many calories would that have? I looked on the website and I didn’t really get anything but I think it’s around 280-300 calories? Also the sodium was around 920% ? WTF!? does sodium make you gain weight?
So im a gamer and i have friends over my xbox. But one of my friends is a great poet. this is one of his poems but i wanna no how i can spread his name over the internet. well this is his poem.
” The Best of Nothing ”
Ever had it all, then it was taken away?
Ever thought you were in the right, but had nothing to say?
No defense could stop that offense’s flow
You either went with it or got crushed in one blow
You went from nothing and became into something
You use to find rides now your whip is stuntin’
That’s how I was when I started making mine
From being outcast at school to buyin ice that blinds
I never knew from the start I’d make it so well
I guess that’s why it’s so good cause I was expected to fail
Even at my peak I felt like I needed more
That’s when I truly let myself sore
I opened up paths that were originally blocked
I grew up faster than Wall Street’s stocks
I went from a boy to a young man
I went from a follower to a leader with a plan
I am the best
I had it all
So it took a reality check
To realize I had to fall
I’m still humbe and I take nothing for granted
but even sometimes I can’t keep my feet planted
I was the best
So I tried to recreate my past
This time when I got it
I knew I’d make it last
Last is what I did; in the right direction I did not
Now I’m back to square one, trying to figure a way out
I could be the best
So I’m trying to change my ways
Cause we only live once
And I want to enjoy every single day
I’ve experienced the life and and it made me realize something
You can still have the world, and be the best of nothing
I plan on becoming a realtor in a few years. I live in Vancouver, BC, where houses are veryyy expensive. However, I want to move somewhere where I could potentially earn a lot of money and sell more houses. Any idea where a good place is to do so? Suggest anywhere in the world.
Also, what’s the average commission rate? How much does it differ between countries?
So I’ve heard about this through a friend and it sounds really interesting. Can anybody help me with this topic? What are its advantages and what makes it different from… you know… normal real estate marketing? Thank you so much!
Hello I am new to this and I was takes to get my companies website up in the SE list. Can anyone out there help me, I would like to know what would be the best first steps in getting this site up in the SE’s, I would be grateful for any help anyone might offer..
I have typed up a few chapter stories on my computer I’ve had friends and family read them and they all say it was great, one of my friends said it was better than the book she was currently reading and wanted me to write more. I want to see if I can publish a few. How can I and where? I have no idea I’m only sixteen by the way.
This site is a for e-commerce
I need to convert my sales dept to the 21st century
I want it to make a profit
I would like it to be grow
Hi everybody, i am Alex and i want some ideas for local internet marketing of my products .
I originally registered a listing with the wrong Yahoo! account — I’d like to transfer it. Can I do this?
I’m looking for an internet marketing company with websites for local communitys in KS like Manhattan, Lawrence, Topeka, and Kansas City. I’m not having much luck with searching around, I want to find a company that controls multiple websites with traffic for the cities I mentioned.
I need some good websites to go learn about internet marketing and search engine optimization. I took an internet marketing class at the local university and it wasn’t worth much to me, just lots of things to do-like build a working site-DUH! I want to understand more about how SEO works and other ways of internet marketing. Any sites or suggested publications woud be greatly appreciated!
First off I raise rabbits for meat and also pets. Does anyone have any advise on where I could find a market for these rabbits? I’m trying to get set up where I can butcher and sell the vacuum sealed packages of meat so I can ship. Any ideals on a local market as far as where to start marketing. By the way I live in oklahoma
How do I market my small business on the internet?