There are a lot of reasons that your business should engage in regular blog posting. SEO companies will tell you in great detail about the benefits of regular internal backlink building and how it directs PageRank for different keywords onto different landing pages, and so forth. Social media marketers will tell you about how blog posting is a great way to get your followers building their own backlinks to your content, which is the most affordable SEO
But there’s another, much deeper, reason you should have a custom-made blog put together by an SEO professional. Yes, it’s important to get the SEO benefits, and it’s important to give the crowd their Like and Pin and +1 buttons. But it’s far more important for your business in the long run that you communicate with your customers.
It’s easy enough to plop out a blog post about some new thing or other that you’re doing with your business. It’s easy to market something in a blog post. But it’s also frankly kind of boring. The most effective blog posts don’t just state facts, they stir up opinions, too.
One of the best was to start a conversation among your followers is to find something that one of your competitors is doing and talk on your blog about why it’s wrong. Say, for example, you have an iPhone game that’s similar to a popular game. Posting a few blog posts about what the more popular game is doing wrong and how you’ve avoided making the same mistakes will get a lot of traction (and probably get you a few new customers as well.)
Another thing you can do to communicate effectively with your clientele is to reply to their feedback openly. If someone offers a valid piece of criticism, don’t hide it — publicize it. Tell everyone about it, and then fix it and tell everyone what you did to fix it. That kind of response wins a HUGE amount of respect from your customer base, and they’ll be loyal to you just because of the feeling that you listen to and respect them.
Blogs are extraordinarily powerful tools for several reasons — just be sure you’re taking advantage of all of them.
83 thoughts on “Blog Posting As A Means of Communication”
I have got a blog on yahoo 360 and in the past 6 months no one has looked at it , I just realised that I am coming up as off line how do I change the settings please? My blog name is kenny four fingers.
I want to get a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, but I want to get my degree online through a reputable school. Anybody know of one that offers a BA Communication online? Only one I know of is Regis University but its too expensive for me. I need something more affordable.
I just got 1 point, and i don’t know what did i do to get this:
Thanks for visiting!
1 point (13 minutes ago)
I’m looking for SEO company that can help me in increasing my traffic..
Ok, so I wanna know how I can tell my wife I want her to be controlling sometimes…. Not just like EAT ME NOW…. but controlling in everyday sorts of things. I want her to go onto my myspace page sometimes and change things around and make me leave them for a little while. I want her to make me write a certain blog at her request. I want her to tell me to wear something in particular. I want her to control me in everyday ways… It might Seem odd, but I really wanna know if there is anyone else out there into this sort of thing. If like for a little while one day a couple hours or something she went and changed my background or my status to something mean or domineering… id like that. Anyone else feel the same way? LIKE I SAID BEFORE, SHE DOESN’T DO THESE THINGS! I want her to though lol.
Oh no i’m not unhappy at all. And she knows that I like her to be in control sometimes, just not that in depth… We are still growing as a couple. If there’s anything she can’t do or tries it once and doesn’t like it I don’t expect her to do it again. And she knows the same with me, she can tell me anything and if I don’t like it after we try it then it’s ok. We have a wonderful understanding on this situation.
I want some websites which provides latest seo tips & updates to help to promote my websites in search engine ranking .
What is a blog?
I had a question on my other account. The question was nice and short and really needed an answer and I got alot of nice answers but a few of them were horrorible. ‘You should cut yourself and not eat to look better, than die”. Or “Don’t do that in public”. Everytime I answers somebodys question I always say “Best of luck”, at the end of my answers. But when you read the other answers they are just so mean.
I don’t know the clear meaning of “RSS” & “blog” can anybody answer me in detail.Thanx in advance for your answer.
Can anyone recommend me an affordable freelance seo expert professional in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India based on your experience with them who would be able to deliver results for my business sites and help me get better rankings for my business keywords in search engines.
Thank You
Can I find out what IP address the user has or what city they are responding from?
What is the meaning blog ?Do someone learn free English in the blog?How to use blog?Do blog have voice communications?In blog if you do not like comments can y delete it ?If yes How ?Please guide me.
I mean, If u hve a cntact, there has 2 b some kinda communication system, like posting on profiles, etc?
i dont mean 360 the one where if u click on horoscopes and then you see your avatar and a name that u put for your avatar that one how can u make it so only certain peopel can answer or post comments?
how do u change the name?
Hey, I already asked this, but didn’t exactly get the response I was hoping for, so I’m re-asking in hopes that this time it passes by a new set of eyes. Thanks so much:
I’m sure I could find this somewhere, but the odds of me being able to correctly decipher legal jargon is low, so just in case any of you know, here it goes:
What the are laws pertaining to blog content? Meaning, if I post something, do I have an sort of copyright over it, or rights against someone taking my content wholesale and claiming it’s theirs? Additionally, does my content in anyway belong to the company hosting my blog (ie, blogger i done by google, if I post on blogger, do they have any rights to my material)?
Thanks so much.
on my website (joomla built) i would like visitors to write down their own experiences, or post a new topic without them needing to register or sign in first unless they want to, what’s that, a blog or a forum and if you know joomla, which extension would be best?
Can someone recommend me a company providing affordable website development and SEO services.
It gets very annoying! Haven’t people heard of “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all”?
whats it’s purpose?
Every one use “lol” . does it mean “LOLYPOP”, saying very sweetly?????
hi friends i want name of some sites which can provide making free blog
other than blogger
how to get only .com there not
So i’ve started a blog, well two actually.
One is just a personal blog and the other is to do with my writing (i want to be an author one day) anyway i’ve got a few posts in each and i’d really like it if i could get some general feedback and some advice for what to put in them next and how to get more people to read them. Any help at all is appreciated.
Thank you
I made a video talking about cyber bullying and its affects:
its a shame people have actually killed themselves as a result!
I am the one of three children. I have a younger brother (we’ll call him Bob) who is estranged from the family and has a blog. He is estranged from the family because he sexually assaulted my nephew. When the time came for the trial, he had a pricey lawyer and suddenly came out of the closet and said that he was gay and that we had all been homophobic for years. No one even had a clue because he was married at the time! Anyway, the case was dropped. A few months later, the assaulted nephew took his own life and no one has really had contact with Bob since…
Until our father died a few months ago. In the three years after Mom died, my other brother and I had been taking care of him. The estate was split evenly between the three kids. Bob comes in and says that the entire estate should be his because of how bigoted we all were. He didn’t come to the funeral and told the rest of the family that he was told that if he came we were going to kill him. That certainly was never said.
It would be one thing if that were the end of it, but it is not. Unfortunately, he has a blog where he talks about Hollywood… and his family. It’s not that he has articles about us particularly, but that he will work it into things. For example, if he were talking about the Lohans, he would make a reference to someone in our family and their being even more messed up than the Lohans.
The one that gets me is that today he has an article up about Britney Spears back when she was missing her undies in photos. He then goes on to say that he would not expect it of a famous person, but he would expect it from [my niece’s full name].
Each time he mentions a family member, he always works in their first, middle, and last name, sometimes things like their date of birth or current street address, or other little things that would be embrassing about them. I mean, , my son had an employer that called him in about something that was written on the blog in reference to him doing crack and they gave him a drug test. My son doesn’t even have a speeding ticket! The test came back negative, but the continued to do random drug tests on him for the rest of the time he was at the company.
What can I do? Is this something that will actually stand up in a court of law? We already have had restraining orders on him, but he still continues to write — they didn’t work because he has his blog in a fictitious name, but we know it is him because of the photos of the house and his partner and all and that he refers to us as his sister or brother or whatever relationship the person would be to him.
If you can provide any advice at all, please do so!!! Thank you so much!
communication with another Yahoo user…Sorry I cannot name him because it would be “unethical” and against Community guidelines. Much to my surprise, he copy and pasted our conversation on his blog without my permission. Comments please.
He is a Roman Catholic Priest,
Hi Acts 4:12. Thanks for your answer.
He used my Y!A name “Freedom”.
He actually entitled it “Conversations with Freedom.”
I guess I fell into a trap. I did not expect a priest to do this. Very disappointed, to say the least.
God bless.
I want to make a website were you talk about problems that you have up,coming movies,t.v. shows anything you want but i need a partner my friends think its stupid but i think it could work anybody have anymore ideas or if you want to help me then just say so
I have some sites that need SEO and I don’t want to pay a lot.
I want to start a blog, but I can’t find a website that satisfies me.
I want to find a good company which can do SEO well.
Keywords as below:
wholesale shoes
clothes bag
requirements: in the first page on after SEO.
What is Blog?
What is Spam?
What is Cookie?
What is Macro Virus ?
Monday 9:30 a.m. It’s time for a frank talk. And no, it can’t wait. We know, we know: Most of you are sick to death of blogs. Don’t even want to hear about these millions of online journals that link together into a vast network. And yes, there’s plenty out there not to like. Self-obsession, politics of hate, and the same hunger for fame that has people lining up to trade punches on The Jerry Springer Show. Name just about anything that’s sick in our society today, and it’s on parade in the blogs. On lots of them, even the writing stinks.
Go ahead and bellyache about blogs. But you cannot afford to close your eyes to them, because they’re simply the most explosive outbreak in the information world since the Internet itself. And they’re going to shake up just about every business—including yours. It doesn’t matter whether you’re shipping paper clips, pork bellies, or videos of Britney in a bikini, blogs are a phenomenon that you cannot ignore, postpone, or delegate. Given the changes barreling down upon us, blogs are not a business elective. They’re a prerequisite. (And yes, that goes for us, too.)
There’s a little problem, though. Many of you don’t visit blogs—or haven’t since blogs became a sensation in last year’s Presidential race. According to a Pew Research Center Survey, only 27% Some newer numbers: According to Forrester, 11.2% of online adults in the U.S. publish a blog at least once a month. Of the same group, 24.8% read a blog and 13.7% comment on a blog at least once a month. The numbers are higher for youths. Of online youths, 20.8% publish a blog, 36.6% read a blog, and 26.4% comment on a blog at least once a month. But I suspect the numbers are unreliable because many mainstream sites with millions of readers—celebrity site TMZ and gadget sites like Gizmodo—are actually blogs. But are all the readers aware of this? I doubt it. This is the blurring of the blog/mainstream divide, a theme we’ll see again and again in these revisions. of Internet users in America now bother to read them. So we’re going to take you into the world of blogs by delivering this story—call it Blogs 101 for businesses—in the style of a blog. We’re even sprinkling it with links. These are underlined words that, when clicked, carry readers of this story’s online version to another Web page. This all may make for a strange experience, but it’s the closest we can come to reaching out from the page, grabbing you by the collar, and shaking you into action.
First, a few numbers. There are some 9 million blogs out there, Yes, there were 9 million, but how many of them were active? Probably only a fraction. In early 2008, says Technorati Chairman David Sifry, the search company indexes 112 million blogs, with 120,000 new ones popping up each day. But only 11% of these blogs, he says, have posted within the past two months. That means the active universe is closer to 13 million blogs. Kevin Burton, CEO of FeedBlog, argues that the number should be lower, from 2 million to 4 million blogs. with 40,000 new ones popping up each day. Some discuss poetry, others constitutional law. And, yes, many are plain silly. “Mommy tells me it may rain today. Oh Yucky Dee Doo,” reads only one April Posting. Let’s assume that 99.9% are equally off point. What we didn’t see in early 2005 was the advent of the spam blog. These blogs, produced automatically, are designed to show up in search results and to attract Google advertisements known as Adsense. Sifry estimates that fully 99% of the blog posts reaching search engines are spam. So what? That leaves some 40 new ones every day that could be talking about your business, engaging your employees, or leaking those merger discussions you thought were hush-hush.
I’ve written a trilogy and I’m looking for someone to pick it up. Every company I’ve contacted says I need an agent or PR rep to send it in for me. I just recently started my own communications company. Would that be considered a proper agency to send it through?
Is it some kind of crew? If so, who is in it, what does it stand for and how do you get in?
where can i find affordable seo specialist philippines, web marketing specialist?
What would it take to increase traffic to my website using SEO and what would be the least I could spend to get noticeable results.
Please advise cheap way to market small local business?
What are doing on it ,I mean what are the special features as I recently opened my account there.Tell me about it.
Thank you for your advice.
If so…who?
A third undersea cable has been cut, effectively eliminating the Internet in the Middle East. But according to CNN that cable outage does not extend to Israel, Lebanon and Iraq.
Is it a coincidence that these three countries, who represent the next phase of the war on terrorism, were spared in the communications blackout that is affecting the rest of the Middle East?
The news of the multiple acts of cable sabotage are clear proof that a hostile force is doing its best to isolate the greater Middle East region (all the way to India) from the rest of the world. With the Internet down, it will be impossible for anyone to transmit video evidence out of the visually-embargoed zone, except for those who have satellite uplinks, like the major news networks, who are already under Zionist control. The depth of these cables means that they can only be reached by submarine or deep submersibles, means that it could not have been done by al Qaida the “toilet,” which doesn’t have a navy, or a submarine. The cable cutting had to have been the work of state terrorists.
Wonka: thanks for the link.
How did I know.
Where does it say in my question that it was one incident?
In fact I heard it was 4 cables.
Threshold: Yea you could kind of understand one cable getting cut by an anchor but 3 or 4? Ships just don’t go around dragging their anchors like that.
It slows them down and it uses too much fuel.
Tony: Do you think they got the message?
I wanna start a blog, but don’t know a good site. Any suggestions?
For example, an organizations owns a variety of magazines and on the cover of one the magazines related to pop music promotes a magazine related to rock and this other magazine is also owned by the same organizations. How is this related to the organization and how does the organizations affect the magazine?
I am currently looking for an SEO developer for my website. I recently just hired one based in India (which I found through, about 8 months ago. He was able to do onpage optimization and create 150 inbound links to my site, along with other SEO works such as article submission, directory submission.
The problem is that the 150 inbound links were mostly PR0, PR1, and sometimes PR2. They were somewhat irrelevant to my niche market.
I started with about a top 10-12 position with my main keyword, and now I am in the top 8-9 position. Not really that impressive in my opinion.
Anyways, Ive been doing research online for SEO developers, and I stumbled upon this site called www(dot)internet(dash)empire(dot)com.
I emailed them for a quotation and the person I am speaking with is very professional and great to speak with. It is a company based in Singapore. You can check their website.
The guarantee he has is that he will guarantee me at the top 3 positions for 5 of my main keywords (I choose the big main keywords I have), or my money-back, full refund. This will be done in 6 months or less, and I will pay him the remaining 50% as the 5 keywords reach the top 3 position.
The price is $2,500 USD.
I wanted to ask the opinions here at Warrior Forum before I move forward with this. I believe that $2,500 is a little heavy on my end, but if it would mean getting the top 3 positions on for my top 5 keywords, this would be a wonderful deal.
Thanks in advance for your inputs!
My sister has a blog in which she talks about nutrition and fitness.
She has written a post in which she quotes some of the words of a fitness specialist in his own blog as to particular opinions he has and methods he uses in his fitness and nutrition practice. She even has a link to his very blog post.
She is quoting him because she finds some of his opinion, and some of his methods, to be injurious to his clients. To avoid libel, she doesn’t say directly that HE is injuring his clients, but that those kind of opinions and methods by any fitness specialist are injurous, nauseating, unknowledgeable, and why.
But I’m worried that if she posts it, she could still be sued for libel.. Wikipedia says “Slander refers to a malicious, false, and defamatory spoken statement or report, while libel refers to any other form of communication such as written words or images”
Her words are not false, and she doesn’t say HE is wrong, but does does say the methods and opinions are wrong…but couldn’t she be accused of using defamatory comments?
Where is free speech in all this, as long as she writes her disagreement with him respectfully and generally?? I’m confused
plzz answer in detail
When anyone asks a question (not just me) they get the rudest answers from people who don like the question. They basically tell you to shut up with the intentions of destroying your self-esteem. Even when you try to make the question as anime as possible, they tell you your stupid and put there answers in the form of sarcasm to make sure it sounds offensive.
Honestly, I think I’m better off on soda head, at least there most people share their opinions with a respectful manner.
Typo: I meant to say as nice as possible at the end of the third line.
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You see and hear so much about BLOGS on the Internet, but I don’t understand them.
and if you are service provider how much you charge for seo? plz tell me a estimated cost..
Mobility than just Android phones. On a conference call with investment analysts, Page noted that Motorola is also a “leading home device maker” and that Google plans to work with them to “accelerate innovation.” Google’s blog post on the deal also gives a big nod to Motorola’s history of innovation, calling the company “a market leader in the home devices and video solutions business.”
While Google is giving plenty of lip service to the opportunity to “support and expand the Android ecosystem” with Motorola’s resources, not the least of which are its tens of thousands of patents, Motorola also makes an awful lot of products that could be of interest to Google. Here’s a few new or much improved Google products we might see in the coming years if the deal goes through
hello frnds i need to promote my site so i m searching for good service provider for seo